But illegal and rapefugees and their families get a free ride on the taxpayer's dime.
Americans last, commies and chynah first, illegals first, every fucking person on the planet but USA citizens are first. Oh we get labeled domestic terrorists.
I beleive we are still quite far away from the precipice. What is gonna take? 1) 20 to 15% or the us population locked up for wrong thing or un jab status 2) China takes Tiawan w/o so much as one bullet from the USA. BUT BUT BUt once Tiawan is taken over Chyna then takes over new Zealand who will give up w/o a wimper, and then Japan. 3) inflation hits 100% w/o majority worker payraises causeing Obamavilles to pop up. 4) Enlish is no longer taught in south texas public schools and arabic is taught in Muslim majority schools. 5) pork poprducts are banned from some public corporation supermarkets like Albersons, Publix, Kroger, etc. 6) the Chinese citizen "maternity tourism babies" arrive in the USA by the 100s of thousands, all flush with cash to buy up the property of folks living in Obamavilles. 7) once the Chinks own 20% or rentals the US govt will allow evictions for rent non-payment but only if the renters are white, the govt will pay the rent to chinks for blacks and illegals. 8) antifa burns down all fox new stations. 9) the constitution is declared null and void. 10) something has to happen really badly to white libtards that they can't aplogize or white guilt themsleves out of. I dont know what that is.