They will never give up power. Get ready for someone worse to step into the role.
The BEST is yet to come
They will never give up power. Get ready for someone worse to step into the role.
The BEST is yet to come
They obviously are, and are protected by the USSS, Capitol Police, and the DoD. They have shat upon the Constitution and murdered people in plain sight. They are gonna stop until until there is no more resistance.
There isn't a single agency that is going to interfere with them.
Some low level staffer admits to altering one ballot and we put the repory on the bookshelf.
Joe resigns, but never admits defeat or to cheating.
Dems and RINOs kill and cheat their way through the entire depop event.
Mayor Pete Buttegeig will be President Harris' VP. The media will find it impossible to be disagreeable with the first female President, a woman of color, and Mr Openly Gay defender of the oppressed. The MSM will easily swallow and regurgitate any lies those two spew.
Sorry to say, JM, but like you, Freedom has perished.