When does the world start waking up to
Primary Water
Muammar Gaddafi
Muammar al-Qaddafi
why they killed him
WATER unlimited for all
Libya tapped into primary water and had developed a system to bring water to the citizens and for agriculture
Hillary and Obama destroyed it all… literally.
Hillary and Obama made sure to destroy it in their effort to take out kaddafi. True humanitarians
The Great Man-Made River of Libya 1
This is a story of Primary Water and Why We are NOT Running Out of Water –
Water is a Renewable.
The Bankers and Controllers DO NOT Want YOU to Know the TRUTH About Water.
Please – Learn What Water Really Is and Where Water Really Comes From
HINT: Water “Originates” from Down Below Earth’s Mantel and is NOT From Rain and Snow Melt.
Learn More: Go to StopTheCrime.net
to the video channel where there are many water interviews
and go to
Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:
“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”
Now adding to what Muammar Gaddafi foresaw the truth of primary water as a renewable and available EVERYWHERE was to be suppressed at ALL costs.
No one was to learn the Earth is the Water Planet and We Are NOT Running Out of Water.
One of the biggest development projects that Libya’s murdered ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make this dream a reality, Gaddafi commissioned a massive engineering project consisting of a network of underground pipes that would bring fresh clean water from from down below Earth’s mantel known as Primary Water. Down below the Sahara Desert Primary Water was accessed for the many suffering from drought. Gaddafi called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. The western media rarely mentioned it, and whenever it did, it was dismissed as a “vanity project” calling it “Gaddafi’s Pet Project” and “the pipe dream of a mad dog”. But truth is, the Great Man-Made River Project is a fantastic water delivery system that has changed lives of Libyans all across the country.