>probably multiple people singing about information to the white hats
Taliban are being serenaded as well
remember remember
the great pandemic
of Fauci, COVID and shots
it stands to reason
that China and treason
are intrinsic parts of the plot
notable when not if
he had a plan to be out by August 31 nominally, with the final celebration on 9 / 11 for the optics
or did he
"Mr. President, you need to accelerate your withdrawal plan by almost 14 days."
"Will I get pudding?"
if you are an American in Afghanistan today
i feel as sorry for you
as i do anyone's third ex-husband
>Cabal pedo assets kek
"Whatever ir is, it's been debunked."
it's how mctits pays her rent
if only we could eliminate climate change and covid
there wouldn't be any more bank robberies, rapes or Ponzi schemes.
"Reports are that the Taliban is letting Americans with passports through the checkpoints, and a fighting force rescued 169 Americans already at the airport."
>"talk about it with G7 next week"
i remember when a reporter asked Trump about the 10,000 American lives at stake
and he said "I'm gonna wait and see what Merkel and Macron think."
had no business being inside the building
vandalizing federal property
trying to enter a restricted area
disagree with DJT on this one too
but then, i think for myself.
if i had been on duty, as a Capitol Police officer, who doesn't do any oter police work, than protect our elected officials,
i would not have stopped firing until all the Antifa goons and their compatriots
were outside the building.
and i would not lose a minute's sleep.