That’s rich. You’d think the comped MIL/DS would reward them for cheating. They all work for cheating corrupt criminals. Let the nukes fly already for fucks sake. End this nightmare.
The shallow-water-navy to the rescue. Fat fucking chance.
Welcome to Thunderdome.
No one functioning off of tax-money can be a hero by definition. Taxation is theft.
What? To laugh at us?
Alex must want him gone. Owen must have gotten tired of not naming the Jew.
You are correct. Nothing will ever get better for working people, it never has. Embrace the Suck. It is only getting worse from here on out. Losing all hope is freedom
On air, he needs to put on his plate carrier and load his rifle and tell them to come and get him.
You have to grow wings to stay above the flood of bullshit nowadays.
With the amount of drugs they seize, they might as well be the DEA with boats. Corrupt fucks living off stolen tax-money. Burn it all.
Catholics. The one religion with the highest body count over history than all others combined.
It’s a great idea. Accelerate this shitstorm to Warp Speed. Collapse, death, slavery, chaos. Let’s see if that will wake these fucking idiots up.