Anonymous ID: 825b27 Aug. 20, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.14412425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is weird. Last year we had almost no rain in Arizona from about April 2020 to April 2021 it was really really dry. I've lived here 50 years and never seen such a dry year.

But then this summer it started raining. And raining. And raining. Phoenix is so saturated right now we have standing water and mosquitoes in places that never get that. Our deserts and forests were burning up earlier this year, but now they're wet wet wet.

So I don't believe the story that our reservoirs are in bad shape anymore. Unless we're purposely dumping the water like California has been.


I knew we were in trouble when they signed a new deal last year to manage Colorado River water, updating the old Barry Goldwater era deals. Whatever you think of him, that guy knew how to secure water. The current crop are all greenies who'd rather give it back to the ocean.