Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.14411863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1886 >>1894 >>1904 >>1906 >>1921 >>1954 >>1981 >>2010 >>2082 >>2140 >>2173 >>2211 >>2247 >>2265 >>2281 >>2300 >>2342 >>2371 >>2390 >>2446 >>2460 >>2470 >>2493

1st ever federal water cuts ordered for Southwest states amid Colorado River drought


by Tribune Content Agency

August 16, 2021




"One cubic kilometer of granite, under the right conditions, will yield one billion gallons of primary water."

– Stefan Riess


If the subject of primary or magmatic water is of interest to you, we encourage you to do your own research, and look for books published on the subject, as well as papers presented by researchers, and the early pioneers in the field such as the following

"New Water for a Thirsty World" by Michael H. Salzman

"Aquavideo: Locating underground water through the sensory - eye of Verne L. Cameron" by Verne L. Cameron

Stephan Riess (1898 - 1985)

Adolph Nordenskiold (1832 - 1901)

William W. Riley (1898 - 1974)


"In the lithosphere other materials - chiefly water and gases such as are found in the air – are intermingled with the materials that constitute the rocks and the soils, but rock and soil predominate."

Pg. 11 – "Outline of Ground - Water Hydrology" by Oscar Meinzer (1923)


"Research undertaken by Stephan Riess in 1934 showed enormous quantities of virgin water could be obtained from crystalline rocks. This involved a combination of geothermal heat and a process known as triboluminescence, a glow which electrons in the rocks discharge as a result of friction or violent pressure, that can actually release oxygen and hydrogen gases in certain ore-bearing rocks. This process, called cold oxidation, can form virgin or primary water. Riess was able to tap straight into formations of hard desert rock of the right composition and produce as much as 8,000 liters per minute."

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.14411886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1894 >>1904 >>1921 >>1954 >>2010 >>2082 >>2140 >>2173 >>2460


questions and answers


Primary Water is understood by very few. It is only relatively recent that the mainstream scientific community has started to discover and publish articles regarding some aspect of Primary Water.


What is primary water and how is it different from other water sources? Primary Water (PW) is Earth-generated water. When conditions are right oxygen combines with hydrogen to make new water. This water is being pushed up under great pressure from deep within the Earth. It finds its way towards the surface of the Earth where there are fissures or faults. Depending on the geology, PW can be close to the surface, or even flow out as a spring. PW is new water that has never been a part of the hydrologic cycle until it finally arrives at the surface.


How can we access primary water if it is so deep? The origins of PW are deep, but because it is under great pressure it moves upwards where possible. If PW confronts a blocking geologic structure it will remain deep. If PW moves up into weak areas of the Earth’s crust, it continues moving upward until it is blocked or finds its way to the surface. These weaker areas are often associated with mountain ranges where faults are common.


Is there a way to prove that primary water really is separate from water cycle water? The proof for PW is to have the water tested for tritium (a radioactive isotope of hydrogen used as a fuel in thermonuclear bombs). If tritium is detected then it is not PW. If there is no tritium, then the water has never been involved in the hydrologic cycle (our solar generated water cycle).


What are some well-known locations of primary water? Undoubtedly PW flows out or is being pumped out all over the world. PW even flows out of vents below sea level. These fresh water vents are well known around the world. There are PW wells associated with the Rift Valley of Africa that are being established in Kenya and Tanzania, the eastern source of the Jordan River, in California, Oregon, and other states of Western U.S. There are hundreds of examples of PW sources, but one is the Ain El Figeh Spring, a remarkable source of water, supplies over a million people of Damascus, Syria, and is also the principal source of the Barada River. A report on the spring states: “ …….. has been enclosed in a structure since the Roman times, resembles an underground river several meters across which flows up and out of the limestone formation of the mountain. The total flow has averaged 8.63 cubic meters per second (about 132,000 gpm).” It is important to consider that many mines in the world have been washed out before they could be worked out, and many working mines are pumping out thousands of gallons per day. Two examples are the Comstock mine in Nevada, and the Tombstone mine in Arizona. Eventually both had to be abandoned. At 3,200 feet down the Comstock mine encountered a washout. Several hydraulic pumps were employed finally lifting 5,200,000 gallons every 24 hours, or 3,600 gallons a minute. Within 36 hours after the pumps were stopped the water had risen, filling the entire lower workings of the mine.



Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 6:55 p.m. No.14411894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1904 >>1921 >>1954 >>2010 >>2082 >>2173




primary water questions and answers cont:


What makes PWI so qualified to source primary water? Pal Pauer, our chief hydrologist studied and worked for over 40 years with the pioneer of the art and science of PW, the geophysicist, Stephan Riess. Mr. Pauer has successfully located many hundreds of PW wells in various parts of the world.


How does Pal find primary water and how is this different from how other people find water sources? Mr. Pauer uses a combination of methods to locate PW. He begins by analyzing a variety of maps (more variety the better) starting with an expanded view, then becoming more and more specific. This is followed by a physical site analysis and the identification of the exact location of the well site (if one exists). Hydrologists usually locate water sources within the context of the hydrologic cycle, while we locate water knowing that PW exists under pressure from below in relation to hard rock structures.


What are the benefits of using primary water sources versus using traditional water sources? Primary Water is constantly being manufactured within the Earth so is a virtual endless source of water. Its use does not normally affect ground water levels. Hydrologic water, on the other hand, is finite and fluctuates in relation to available rain and/or snowmelt. PW is also of high quality, unless it comes in contact with contaminants as it rises toward the surface.

If El Nino weather conditions are expected later this year, why should we care about primary water sources? Won’t the drought be relieved? Any society needs a dependable, long-term supply of good quality water. Predicted El Nino weather conditions do not always materialize. PW is abundant and is not affected by periods of drought.


Why do so few people, including geologists and hydrologists, know about primary water? PW is understood by very few. It is only relatively recent that the mainstream scientific community has started to discover and publish articles regarding some aspect of PW. It is only a matter of time before PW will be understood and accepted as an important aspect of geo-hydrology.


Can primary water be found in flat areas? Yes, there are still fault lines that cross “flat” areas. However, it is often more difficult to locate such structures.


Is there any potential harm to the environment if we drill for primary water (e.g. fracking)? No, and because PW is continually being generated, subsidence (the gradual caving or sinking of an area of land), is not an issue. Thus pumping out PW does not create a void.

Where did the term ‘Primary Water’ come from? The term “Primary Water” was coined by Stephan Riess, the geophysicist who independently discovered the existence of PW, pioneered its development, beginning in the 1930s until his death in late 1985.


How much Primary Water is available? There is an endless supply of PW as long as there are the elements that constitute water: hydrogen and oxygen.


How does Primary Water and water of the hydrologic cycle stay separate? PW and hydrologic water do not always remain separate. As is the nature of geology, there is every possible combination of geologic structures which under certain conditions can allow for the comingling of PW and hydrologic water.


What is the proof that Primary Water exists? Isn’t it all part of the hydrologic cycle? If it is necessary to know if the water is Primary or not, the water can be tested for tritium. From the time when atomic testing began in the Pacific, hydrologic water has had traces of tritium in it. PW does not contain any tritium.


Will I be taking away from my neighbor’s water if I drill for primary water? No, the pumping of PW does not affect local aquifers unless the same structure providing the PW is also recharging the local ground water.

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:01 p.m. No.14411954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2010 >>2082 >>2173






San Diego Avocado Orchard Primary Water Well Drilling–

3,805 viewsOct 26, 2015



why do you think they want old people dead (knowledge)

why do you think they start huge fires (get you off the land and into samll living in big cities and buy water)


Primary water is everywhere and unlimited

they are creating DROUGHTS RIGHT NOW


wake up and start talking primary water with everyone

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:07 p.m. No.14412010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2082 >>2173 >>2211

1st ever federal water cuts ordered for Southwest states amid Colorado River drought


by Tribune Content Agency


August 16, 2021









Learn this NOW as droughts are being pushed hard right now





unlimited water


God put it here for us.

Biblefags ask yourself about hitting the rock with a stick???

the evil ones hid this from us

primary water


Numbers 20:11 Then Moses raised his hand and … - Bible Hub

Search domain biblehub.com

Moses raised his hand and hit the rock twice with the staff. Water came pouring out, and all the people and their animals drank


What is Primary Water? Reinette Senum interviews Pal Pauer


1,327 viewsJul 22, 2015

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:16 p.m. No.14412082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2126 >>2173 >>2211



Biblefags ask yourself about hitting the rock with a stick???


the evil ones want us to believe is CSARCITY of water

ask Muammar Gaddafi in Libya

they killed him for this


>Numbers 20:11 Then Moses raised his hand and … - Bible Hub


>Search domain biblehub.com


>Moses raised his hand and hit the rock twice with the staff. Water came pouring out, and all the people and their animals drank


Learn this NOW as droughts are being pushed hard right now



unlimited water










all pb and notables








The Bankers and Controllers DO NOT Want YOU to Know the TRUTH About Water. / DEBORAH TAVARES PRIMARY WATER

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:21 p.m. No.14412126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2173 >>2193 >>2211



control the water you control the food-

hillary is evil











Not so long ago, in a far away land there lived a benign ruler of a diverse people, a people who had little history of being a territorially distinct nation. For many of the people in this country, their nation-state allegiances ended at the boundaries of their particular tribe.


The kindly ruler’s problems were exacerbated by the sheer size of his country – a whopping 1,760,000 square kilometers – and its disparate and aggressively autonomous tribal groupings were of no help either. How could anyone form these huge cultural differences into one cohesive nation?


In this hot dry land of mostly desert waste was the additional problem of food, which was always at a premium. More important yet was water, which was as valuable as gold.


How could the head of a country, with such problems, become a benign ruler when most of his people had no sense of national unity and no willingness to come together as one people, one nation?


once upon a time


It is said that when the right man meets the right opportunity, miracles will occur.


Such a man appeared: his name was Muammar Gaddafi.


The opportunity was oil – lots of it.


The country? It was Libya, in northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea.


If anyone knows of a national leader who shared the wealth of his country’s resources with the people of his nation more than Colonial Gaddafi did, please tell me who that man is or was.


For years, the banker owned and controlled press demonized Muammar Gaddafi; but what he accomplished for his people during that time period seems to be that of storybook legend.


It has been said, that Colonel Gaddafi was never happier than when he was in the desert, amongst his people, and was always traveling with his Bedouin tent. He was truly a man of his people.


And by operating his country outside the tight financial orbit controlled and owned by the pathological and morbid International Banking and Monetary Cartel, Gaddafi made his country and its people the richest in Africa. As a result, however, he made some very powerful enemies – enemies who will not tolerate any nation to stand on its own and be economically independent.


It was, however, his plan to exchange his nation’s oil for gold (or a gold-backed currency), instead of the inflated US reserve currency that probably prompted his brutal killing.


Such men as Muammar Gaddafi only come our way once in a century, proof of which is how long he stood up to the most potent, anti-life power on earth, the Rothschild-banking mafia – who control the US/NATO nations.


But in time, the wolves circled and eliminated him, then blackened his name in history.


This short piece is my humble effort to give a great man a better eulogy.




Gaddafi’s government had its own wholly-owned central bank that issued loans to its people free of interest, as riba (usury) was not permitted in Libya at that time. This was, of course, serious sacrilege to the usurers of Earth and it peoples.



Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:30 p.m. No.14412173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2184 >>2211











ask Ambassador John Christopher Stevens

oh you can't they killed him, too




Beyond the nomadic Bedouin and Tuareg tribes, most Libyan families owned both a house and a car. Again, Colonel Gaddafi had to be eliminated as the banking cartel considers middle classes anywhere as threats to their power.


Before the fifty-plus daily US/NATO bombings of Libya, and its defenseless civilian populations began, Muammar Gaddafi’s government gave everyone free healthcare and education. Libyans enjoyed a literacy rate of over eighty percent.


Literacy and an education that teaches critical thinking was also a threat to the power structure. Had Colonel Gaddafi followed the American model of governmentally forced stimulus-response education of teaching children what to think instead of how to think, he might have bought himself a few more years of life.


Before the bombings, largely of American origin, life expectancy in Libya was seventy-five years, the highest in Africa, and about ten percent above the world average.


Preceding the US-led air attacks, there was little to no unemployment in Libya.


Note: The United States of America has long been under the heavy control of the International Banking/Monetary Cartel; and as a result, today, we have, at least, 92 million unemployed citizens.


One of the biggest lies ever promoted by the corporate press is “War is good for the economy.”


War destroys economies due to the extensive debt-based usury lending involved. Strong economies are made by producing in abundance needed and wanted goods and services that are sold at home and around the world.


Production, not destruction, builds a healthy economy.


Under Gaddafi, Libya gained the highest gross domestic product in Africa, with less than five percent of its population classified as poor.gadaffi


Libya, a hot, dry, dusty country, long suffered with a lack of clean water. Under the leadership of Muammar Gaddafi, however, the world’s largest infrastructure project was completed. It was a man-made, underground river, undoubtedly made from what is now known as Primary Water. The project provided clean drinking water to seventy percent of the Libyan people. It held the potential of turning vast wastelands into farmlands – that is, until US/NATO bombs destroyed its pumping stations, thus destroying the entire project.


The power structure had to destroy Gaddafi’s Man-made River Project, before it told the world that never again would man have to be without clean water to drink or to farm his deserts. They would not allow Gaddafi to spoil the coming water-wars that were on their drawing boards.


In 1991, at the gala opening of the Man-made River Project, the good Colonel Gaddafi spoke to the invited dignitaries and assembled crowd:


“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses [but] the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”


LibyaEagleVulture The Colonel’s words were prophetic.


After American super bombers laid waste to Libya’s water and electricity, the bombers destroyed the country’s main food supply.


For many decades, beginning in the summer, thousands of camels made a three-month journey from the grass- lands of Libya to metropolitan markets.


Amid the horrifying wailing and whimpering from thousands of camels and herdsmen being mindlessly and thoroughly slaughtered, the US/NATO bombs fell until animal and human flesh were ready to rot in the hot Libyan deserts.


For months and years the American mainstream media had demonized Muammar Gaddafi, often saying the goal was to bring democracy to Libya by removing their dictator.



Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:31 p.m. No.14412184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193




So how did the US government justify the barbarity of butchering thousands of camels, while people were starving all over the rest of Africa?


Perhaps you heard the absurd answer from your own television set:camels


The camels were carrying weaponry to support those loyal to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.


Sadly many Americans were happy with that answer never realizing that certainly, during the dark of nights, Libyan troops could have quickly transported their weapons all over their country in a matter of days, not months.


Death and destruction of all life forms are the hallmarks of the military forces controlled by the foreign Banking and Monetary Cartel.


hiroshimaThe awful destruction of the once free and independent Libya should serve us as a moral lesson, representative of our atrocities in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine, where millions of people have been killed, injured, or made homeless in a radioactive hotbed of chaotic waste, with no known way of cleaning it up.


For no military tactical or strategic reasons, depleting uranium (DU) has been employed in all of our bombings in the Middle East.


But still, the Western press calls our insane international crimes against humanity humanitarian interventions.


When in fact, the horrific US/NATO bombing of Libya was a banker’s looting operation for oil, water, gold, and to bring a brave and recalcitrant country into the tightly controlled orbit of usury finance and economic slavery.


I now ask my brothers and sisters in America and Europe to join with me in a prayer that the US/NATO axis of evil destruction desist from any more such humanitarian interventions.

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:40 p.m. No.14412247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2265 >>2281 >>2300 >>2342 >>2371 >>2390 >>2411 >>2425 >>2446 >>2470


>1st ever federal water cuts ordered for Southwest states amid Colorado River drought


>by Tribune Content Agency


>August 16, 2021





As climate change continues to exacerbate a drought in the Colorado River, the Department of the Interior has declared a shortage that will lead to the first-ever federally mandated cuts of the river’s supply to a number of states in the American Southwest.


The Bureau of Reclamation, which operates within the Interior Department, said the cuts would go into effect after the drought brought the levels at Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the country’s two largest reservoirs which are fed by the Colorado River, to historically low levels.


Lake Mead provides water to about 25 million people in Arizona, Nevada, California and even Mexico, according to the National Park Service. However, it is currently only at about 40 percent capacity. The Colorado River supplies water to even more people — over 40 million — in seven states (the three mentioned above as well as New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming) and Mexico.


However, starting Jan. 1, both Arizona (18 percent) and Nevada (7 percent) will have the Colorado River supply cut. The reduction in Arizona alone will be roughly equivalent to the total that would serve 1.5 million households.


Additional cuts could follow as soon as a year later if Lake Mead and Lake Powell continue to drop, which would likely affect the areas the river services in its upper basin.


According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, more than 95 percent of the West was in drought as of last week.


Story by David Matthews, New York Daily News

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:42 p.m. No.14412265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2281 >>2300 >>2342 >>2371 >>2390 >>2446 >>2470



THIS will be a thing soon, just watch


>Lake Mead provides water to about 25 million people in Arizona, Nevada, California and even Mexico, according to the National Park Service. However, it is currently only at about 40 percent capacity. The Colorado River supplies water to even more people — over 40 million — in seven states (the three mentioned above as well as New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming) and Mexico.


>However, starting Jan. 1, both Arizona (18 percent) and Nevada (7 percent) will have the Colorado River supply cut. The reduction in Arizona alone will be roughly equivalent to the total that would serve 1.5 million households.



Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:47 p.m. No.14412300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2342 >>2371 >>2390 >>2446 >>2470






THIS IS PLANNED this willbe an event that they brainwashed us for decades to accept


First-Ever Mandatory Federal Cuts to Colorado River '''Cripples Critical Water Source for Arizona Agriculture


AgDay 08/18/21 - Colorado River


By AGDAY TV August 18, 2021

Federal officials announcing this week they are making mandatory water cuts to the Colorado River. These are the first federal water cuts, and it's the first-ever water shortage for a river that serves 40 million people in the West.


Arizona will be hardest-hit by the restrictions, losing 18% of its share from the river next year. That's accounts for nearly 8% of the state's total water use. Farmers in central Arizona, who are among the state's largest producers of livestock, dairy, alfalfa, wheat and barley, will bear the brunt of the cuts.


"This year, we're seeing the combined effects of lower than average snowpack, hotter temperatures, and dryer than average soil conditions, and unfortunately that trend may continue," says Tonya Trujillo, Assistant Secretary for Water and Science.


The cuts come after two-year projections for Lake Mead show the water level dropping below critical thresholds due to extreme drought. The August predictions help determine what next year's operating conditions will be for area waterways. The report predicts declines in Lake Mead and Lake Powell and that the entire Colorado river system storage is at 40% of its capacity.

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:52 p.m. No.14412342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2371






It becomes even a luxury to have food… does that sound insane?

Liset Garcia, Sweet Girl Farms



WAKE UP this is happening now

they are going to do shit with the water and food with shortages and drought

they are telling us




real science

they will not tellyou this


In the valleys of central California, the search for water has turned into an all-out obsession as the region suffers through a drought that could threaten the United States’ food supply.

Residents have watched with dismay as verdant fields have turned into brown, dusty plains, leaving shrivelled trees, dying plants and exasperated farmers.

Much of California, and the broader US West, has suffered through years of lighter-than-usual rain and a particularly dry winter.

State and local authorities, fearful that there may not be enough water for city dwellers or wildlife, have abruptly cut supplies to farms, provoking anger and consternation.

Along the roads between major farming operations, billboards have popped up everywhere, urging: “Save California’s Water”. They accuse the authorities of “dumping … our water in the ocean.”

Growers complain that the state’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, is strangling them under a mountain of pointless restrictions, leaving them unable to fill their usual role of supplying America’s supermarkets.

“I had two wells dry up last week,” said 28-year-old Nick Foglio, a fourth-generation farmer and feed broker. He added that he has “2,000 acres (800 hectares) of alfalfa going dry”,

Standing in a dusty field near Fresno, he said he worries that with “the wrong political agenda, we’re simply going to starve ourselves and probably the rest of the world.”

California authorities do not seem to be hearing that message.

Reacting to dire signs of a worsening climate crisis, they passed new emergency legislation last week to prevent thousands of people – notably farmers – from diverting streams or rivers.

“In a year when Mother Nature doesn’t make it rain, there is no water for them,” said Jeanine Jones, a manager with the California Department of Water Resources.

When the authorities cut off water supplies, farmers find themselves forced to rely on wells, dug deep into the ground at costs of several thousand dollars. They draw groundwater from subsurface pools hundreds of feet deep. But even they eventually run dry.

“The situation is pretty terrible,” said Liset Garcia, who relied on well water to irrigate half her 20-acre farm – until it dried up.

She has been waiting for weeks for a well-drilling service – which has more work than it can handle – to make it to her farm in hopes of finding even a small new supply of water deep in the ground.

Sitting in her vegetable stand near the town of Reedley, the 30-year-old farmer greets clients with enthusiasm that belies the ravages her farm has suffered in a warming world.

Heat has destroyed several of her crops – which have “literally baked under the sun.”

“There’s a lot of foliage that is already burnt and pretty much just crisped up,” as well as “fruit not getting a size – not getting its juiciness and sweetness,” she said, wearing a checked shirt and a baseball hat marked “Sweet Girl Farms”.

“It becomes even a luxury to have food,” she said with a grimace. “Does that sound insane?”

Climate change, scientists say, will even more extreme and frequent episodes of drought – further jeopardising food security.

Feeding America in these conditions will be a challenge. But the region may already have found one partial saviour.

Under leaden skies, workers in uncultivated fields recently uncrated huge boxes. Inside were thousands of solar panels – offering a new business opportunity and the promise of some relief for a region in pain.



World /

United States & Canada

US food supply at risk as historic drought sees water to California farms cut

Fearful that there may not be enough water for city dwellers or wildlife, authorities in the state have abruptly cut supplies to farms

'Growers complain a mountain of pointless restrictions have left them unable to fill their usual role of supplying America’s supermarkets

Agence France-Presse

Agence France-Presse in Reedley, United States


Published: 10:58am, 9 Aug, 2021

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:56 p.m. No.14412371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2390 >>2446 >>2458 >>2470




and articles always show dry land and animals in dry fields


Thomson Reuters Foundation

Published: 9:26pm, 17 Jun, 2021


UN warns drought may be the next pandemic, ‘and there’s no vaccine’ for it

Drought – like a virus – tends to last a long time, have a wide geographic reach and cause knock-on damage, a UN representative said

About 130 countries could face a greater risk of drought this century under a high-emissions scenario cited by the UN


Water scarcity and drought are set to wreak damage on a scale to rival the Covid-19 pandemic with risks growing rapidly as global temperatures rise, according to the United Nations.

“Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic – and there is no vaccine to cure it,” Mami Mizutori, the UN’s special representative for disaster risk reduction, told an online press briefing ahead of the report’s release.

Already, droughts have triggered economic losses of at least US$124 billion and hit more than 1.5 billion people between 1998 and 2017, according to a UN report published on Thursday.







Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 7:58 p.m. No.14412390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2446 >>2470





>Water scarcity and drought are set to wreak damage on a scale to rival the Covid-19 pandemic with risks growing rapidly as global temperatures rise, according to the United Nations.


>“Drought is on the verge of becoming the next pandemic – and there is no vaccine to cure it,






"Research undertaken by Stephan Riess in 1934 showed enormous quantities of virgin water could be obtained from crystalline rocks. This involved a combination of geothermal heat and a process known as triboluminescence, a glow which electrons in the rocks discharge as a result of friction or violent pressure, that can actually release oxygen and hydrogen gases in certain ore-bearing rocks. This process, called cold oxidation, can form virgin or primary water. Riess was able to tap straight into formations of hard desert rock of the right composition and produce as much as 8,000 liters per minute." —








Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 8:06 p.m. No.14412446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2470 >>2493









Primary Water

learn it

teach it

do it

make everyone talk about it

so politicians cannot hide it

when they say there is no water


Primary Water - Stephan Riess and Walter Russell

9,391 viewsJan 26, 2018


The University of Science and Philosophy


The Primary Water Institute

Anonymous ID: ab6265 Aug. 20, 2021, 8:13 p.m. No.14412493   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This previously never-before-released recording was found in the USP audio archive and sheds invaluable light on the similarities between the work of two great men. What is presented here is a reel-to-reel tape recording of a letter written by Dr. Walter Russell read to Dr. Stephan Riess of California with his feedback and thoughts circa 1953. The discovery of primary water by Riess is a complete validation and confirmation of the workings of matter proposed by Dr. Walter Russell. Both he and wife Lao were delighted to have found a single scientist who knew the truth about natural science as they did. This interview briefly outlines a scientist’s real world experience of the workings of Nature aligned with an Illuminated messenger’s gift of knowledge for a new age of thinking. Imagine a world of abundance rather than of scarcity, a world of balanced interchange with our natural environment. This is the promise of this new knowledge, so enjoy and share.


Primary Water - Stephan Riess and Walter Russell


9,391 viewsJan 26, 2018