That is an incredibly awesome hedgehog. I stole it. He will live on in meme infamy soon.
Gawd, RSBN is not broadcasting shit other than some four-eyed homo editorializing and opining to hell and back. Frank is just as bad, symposium re-runs and that awful iranian twat rambling about afghanistan over and over again.
(sigh) At least there is here and youfags.
Kelly Townsend giving an update from AZ
AZ cops have to vaxx by Tuesday or face a 5 day suspension. Says its illegal but doesnt know whether it is a 5 day suspension and back to work un-vaxxed.
She says she uploaded some videos to her twatter feed. Sauce:
Committee to review audit results.
She will not officially state for record until results reviewed but her guess is that they need to de-certify results.
Thousands of adjudicated ballots with no serial numbers.
Not official yet.