Pretty certain the word we're all looking for is "article".
Not gay/bi/whatevs myself, but I've always wondered just how strong of a role genetics play, and if there could, one day, be a treatment for those wanting it. If genetics can determine just about everything about you, including potential for intelligence, then why not sexual preference?
At any rate, there's going to come a day that we can determine just about everything about someone based on their genetic mappings. Might as well do our best to understand it instead of casting blame on the person for choosing something that a majority "don't agree with" or "goes against nature".
Jr laying cover. Brennan does like her, but that's because he's unaware she's flipped. She worked in the London branch; the one that was demo'd after the election because that's where all the players met that were colluding against Trump. She has all the dirt on all the players re: Trump campaign spying, and attempts to fabricate proof of Russian collusion.
It was stated last night that all the president needs to do to completely dismantle an ABC is:
Wait for senate to go to recess
Upon recommendation from the Director of the organization (C_A, for example), defund it. Can be partially done by EO
Veto any spending bill attached to the organization that might come when senate comes back from recess
Boom; ABC gone bye bye.
>Fake Jew
I wonder what gave it away, anon? I'm still not convinced all these neanderthal-looking impersonators are actually Jews. I've got a sneaking suspicions that they are impersonators; hence POTUS interest in getting the Israel situation squared away.
At any rate, "saving for last" means exactly that. So, we'll see. I'm almost certain that we're going to learn some really revealing stuff about these people that claim to be Jews once this is all over.
California is having a really tough time dealing with the resurgence of citizenry that want to clean the place up. If it's happening in commiefornia, Lord only knows how widespread the sentiment is in the rest of the US. You want to see something really funny, look at the Gubernatorial campaign ads for Republicans running in GA.
https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=_TJS7cleb7E
https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=SXUlN0aN2mY
It's not racist if it's targeting nationalities that aren't here legally.
I'm a bit old fashioned, and I always claim to be "not too smart" (for lost of reasons). For me, however, it's fairly simple:
I like women.
I like red heads.
I like redheaded women a LOT (hence I married one - (yes, this is where the "not too smart" comments originate; lol)).
Given the above, I just presume that everyone thinks like me in believing that redheaded women are the most gorgeous women in the world. Hence, I post pictures to thank bakers for their awesomeness, and to help motivate. In between posting beauty, I help dig and get the occasional notable. It's like winning the lottery, really :)