>>1440974 OP
Hussein said "scandal free" a lot. The more he said it, press picks it up, repeated 100 times, his sheep have it engrained in their brains as truth. Mass brainwashing. How is it some of us never bought into it the Hussein Messiah BS? We listened to other media, had a deep down feeling their was something wrong with this guy.
Last conversation with a friend (no longer a friend, unfortunately) where they screamed THERE WERE NO SCANDALS! I started naming the ones I could and that was when it ended.
We cannot fault Dem sheep. They watch CNN and MSM who will not report the truth. WILL NOT!
My fear with everything we know is that the sheeple will never believe it. They will deny it, accuse POTUS of manufacturing lies. They will never do the digging. They think we are crazy.
I know that is why Q enlisted this army to spread the word: do what the MSM will not! Friends have been permanently banned from Facebook defending POTUS.
Q: please assure us the voting for November will be legit, that the system is not, cannot (
!) be rigged again. That illegals cannot vote. I heard a man from immigration on a radio show tell of the illegals who go to file to start to become citizens actually check the box on the application stating they have voted in State and Federal elections! Why? Because you can easily register to vote when getting a drivers license. Close this loophole!
Godspeed Q and POTUS. There is much to do in what seems so little time. Love to Melania for a speedy recovery.