Or, it went exactly as planned. The Taliban were given $80B to wage war against heretics, and Biden is stepping diwn right on time for Harris to step up and advance the Marxist agenda.
Shots in arms is all that matters, but why?
Or, it went exactly as planned. The Taliban were given $80B to wage war against heretics, and Biden is stepping diwn right on time for Harris to step up and advance the Marxist agenda.
Shots in arms is all that matters, but why?
*$80B in advanced warfighting equipment, plus all the Intel from the embassy and possibly the State Dept hack.
Yes, little babies who had the misfortune of being born in this time deserve to be starved to death because God is mad at them for not fearing him enough.
Killing people by hiding the truth is God's work, dontchaknow?People who are too stupid to find the truth are being punished by a vengeful God who has to teach them to fear Him by killing them painfully. God loves those who lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top and then use their position to punish and kill for him.
Well Donald, you let him cheat so "we could catch them", and uhh, change the election laws to use vaccine passports for voter ID, and you said you knew he would open the border, so why are you griping?
He's a conman, a huckster, a snake-oil salesman. Much more PT Barnum than George Patton. Selected to do a job (they) knew HRC couldn't pull off. Democrat NYC landlord, casino operator, $ beauty pageant owner turned into Grand Emporer of the sleepy masses of the GOP. Mr. Nothing is Impossible except treating the common cold with known cures. I feel stupid for wasting time with any of this life. Should've bought a farm while young, had a bunch of kids, and figured out how to keep them fed when everything turns to shit.
Because defeating the Taliban is easier than dealing with COVID or something. COVID is mainly affecting the NATO countries…who spent the last 20 years in the middle east. Wonder who's behind it? Who's really behind it? Why were masks pushed so hard? Subjugation? A sign of sumbission? Blackrock buying up everything; who worships at a black rock? BO and Huma, and probably Kamala are all allied with which religion?
The Jews have had the Christians and the Muslims at each others throats for centuries. A triangle of sorts. But apparently more war over which ideology will win is the always the best answer.
Now, folks, when you get home from defending freedom, you'll have to get vaxxed and wear a mask and wait your turn in line for the VA to finish killing you.
Peace through strength, or peace through superior intelligence and wisdom?