why do you protect your father? you know he raped all the little faggot boys in town, did he turn you down is that why you are sad? DId you say daddy fuck my willing hole and he refused?
how often do you drink and think about ending it? Does it make you sad that your mother drinks when she realized she married a faggot?
oh not i was filter by a cunt. I might actually cry. You should slice your whore wrists open karen maybe your cat might mourn your loss.
No fuck you cunt, right in your roast beef hole.
to far lol. Sorry it happens.
bingo pig. Eyes are on Biden, and he has to not appear to be anti muh science, this is war and people have to wake up to it sooner than later, the longer they are asleep the more they will be hurt, but i do pray there is a cure for those lost souls who have been too trusting. Their children should not be made to suffer.
besides he has already fucked dudes been there done that.
maybe he will take it for a helicopter ride.
true and at least we will get to watch that. Doubt there are recording devices on the helicopter.
now that i think about it want total humiliation and then trials i want to see her family cry knowing they are next. Helicopter ride is too quick.
muh ovaries.
yeah that is what i was thinking as well how much pain will it take for people to wake up. How much suffering will be needed to make people give a fuck about this nation and others nations before they put down their fucking latte and do something. The shot did not do it. Gas prices maybe, its going to have to be terrible i think.
and you are too busy sucking nigger dick to assume what i am focused on.
oh no, did i offend you delicate sensibilities. KIKE CHINK WOP KRAUT FAGGOT DYKE NIGGER.