WTF is this
WTF is this
Arizona Audit Spokesman Randy Pullen Believes Arizona’s Final Audit Report Will Be Made Available to the Public By the End August
Audit spokesman Randy Pullen said that the machine recount numbers were finally delivered last Thursday to the audit team in Arizona.
Pullen expects that the final audit report will be made available to the public by the end of the month.
This report will show the audit team’s ballot count versus the county’s count, batch discrepancies, and other ballot discrepancies found in the three-layered forensic analysis of the ballots.
The auditors have finally received images of the mail-in ballot envelopes and they will shortly begin the envelope analysis phase of the audit shortly.
There were many affidavits signed that say the County stopped verifying signatures. There were also a large number of affidavits that said residents were receiving mail-in ballots for dead people or former residents of their homes.
The envelope analysis phase will image and verify the signatures are real.
The County still has refused to provide access to routers, and other subpoenaed items.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich opened an SB 1487 investigation into this violation of the law, as requested by Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli.
If they are in violation of the law, the State Treasurer will withhold 10% of state shared revenue from the county. Violation of a subpoena is a class two misdemeanor.
The County responded, claiming innocence and asking the Attorney General to take no further action.
The supervisors are currently in violation of the law.
We now await the report by the end of August and action from Attorney General Brnovich.
Contact Mark Brnovich and tell him what his constituents want.
(602) 542-5025