Key term here, experience.. I always enjoy looking at 'experience' thru a scientific lense.. because if you put the belief in God on the shelf for a second and say "okay, my brain has all these juices and sparks shooting around it and that's how it works.." Then fine, just a bunch of juices and sparks can experience.. so experience/consciousness is a phenomena that we at least know occurs within ourselves as related to juices and sparks.. so its not unreasonable to assume that experience/consciousness might occur as a result of other physical/chemical/electrical activity, like maybe there could be consciousness of some kind within the body of a star or even around it due to the massive amount of energy and physical/chemical/electrical activity that's occurring there..
Could be that consciousness is a phenomena that pervades all existence and the brain simply concentrates it with a filter that's evolved to bend consciousness towards maintaining and procreating the filter.. in other words your mind is to consciousness as a black hole is to matter in an otherwise sparsely filled vast space. (pic related, those are separate galaxies, not stars)