it might get approved. It might have already been approved as per recent hubbub and media circus, but consider why. Why now. Why not way the fuck before.
they are accelerating this shit as far as they can, because the shit is this close to hitting the fan. they are expending everything they have to push this through… and exposing themselves in the process.
the way I see it, they are trying their hardest to push everyone to their limits, whip up fervor on both sides so infighting will happen. remember, they play both sides. what would be the most fortunate for (((them))) right now? if everyone dropped everything and just proceeded to pummel each other on the streets.
they WANT everyone mad. they WANT chaos, disruption and fighting to happen, because that's the only way they can escape now - under a blanket of chaos.
well fuck them and their scare tactics. fuck their mandates and fuck their promises. i'll be here patiently waiting for the audit results.