The “medical” establishment and all cucks inside who won’t stand up for what is right will come crashing to the ground as the vaxx mandate comes. These lunatics are riding the sinking ship to the bottom - they are too tied down, too busy to stay up-to-date on HAPPENING NOW research. They defer to the corrupt orgs for guidance. At what point do the masses opt out of their controlled prison of induced sickness (vs true human healing) out of principle? We the people don’t trust the FDA…and THEY know it. PANIC.
Motherfucking thank youuuuuu, been saying this here for MONTHS - they are LITERALLY telling us outright that the virus is one of two things: 1. Bioengineered and thus capable of (or actively undergoing) UNNATURAL progression 2. It’s not real, it’s all conjured up by the media globally. I vote number 2, this why PDJT harped on FAKE NEWS being number one enemy of the people. Because he KNEW they would be the ones putting on the SHOW, silencing all contradictory information and engulfing the globe in fear - which is (their) harvest from us. WAKE UP, may the Lord reveal all that is Truth