so Doctors can be forced to perform abortions against their beliefs, but doctors do not have to be forced to treat covid patients..
how does that work?
so Doctors can be forced to perform abortions against their beliefs, but doctors do not have to be forced to treat covid patients..
how does that work?
stupid doctors.
it's the covid stricken unvaxed who are ending the plandemic.
booksmart doesn't make you smart.
when is Pillow Mike suppose to have his Amazon rival up and running?
I am thinking the shot heard around the world will be Joe Biden having a severe reaction from a covid booster shot.
would not surprise me
it's obvious that pelosi and schumer have had a different vax than the masses
she didn't want to hear his assessment that Afghanistan has sucked all the air out of bidan's agenda.
eyes on, anons…..are you in the exclusion catagory?
do you have high blood pressure….?
do you have a high antibody level?
many many more groups…could exclude you from getting the approved vax if your group was not included in testing