God bless America. God bless the walking dead. Forgive them father, for they know not what they do. Or something like that.
Fucking bullshit. Mr.President, Donald J Trump. Fix this shit. For fucks sake. Mrs.Trump, kick your man in the ass.
Good. If they got the mRNA gene editing therapy experiment. Fuck them. If they are not marked by the beast, fuckery afoot.
Follow the pen. When I say. KEK
Your hook nose is showing. Chink cha chink chink chink.Hear that, Shill checks floor for shekel.
She obviously volunteered to be experimented on.
I dunno her politics, or view on the mRNA gene editing therapy experiment. The only good Communist is a dead communist.
Not sure if you understand Communists. They will kill the fags, handicaps, religious first.
Taliban is based.
Silk road is FOOKED.
The Taliban guys grew up on American bubble gum & American interaction for the last 20 years.
There are more good than bad. imo