Anonymous ID: e8684c Aug. 23, 2021, 6:33 p.m. No.14441193   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Planet of the Humans


This anon finally had time to watch it. Anons are correct this is an outstanding documentary that outs the green energy hoax.


Anon in prior life was in the resource recovery biz in very large population area (which means, recovering recyclables from the garbage stream). The non-recycleable portion of garbage was burned and powered 100,000 homes in a high electric consumption area.


Back then I thought there must be a way to reduce consumption, to reduce the single use products, all the extra wrapping on consumables that automatically goes into garbage stream, etc. Instead, more single use products, more single meal packaging, more and more toys that require electricity, more and more crap products that have a life span of a month to a year (even chairs), more and more push to decorate homes with dust collectors that wind up in the trash, more and more decorations of homes inside and out for holidays - stuff that winds up in the trash…. and so on.


The same goes on now with energy usage. More lights in towns and ciites, more computer power, more a/c, more more more…..


With the masses (including the greenies) all doing their part to add to the problem instead of reducing consumption.


It's no wonder why the elite come up with a "final solution" for the masses. I forget which elite said this, but it was along the lines of complaining that the masses either wouldn't (or were too stupid) to do their part to help save the planet or themselves. Of course what they really mean is they want those resources for themselves.

Anonymous ID: e8684c Aug. 23, 2021, 6:39 p.m. No.14441267   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Healthy 62 y.o. son of friend, no co-morbitities got the shot, had a stroke 2 days later, died 2 days after that.


Two 40s children of another acquaintance, got the shot, both dead within a month.


As to spreading…. I was around a vaxed person - a emergency call / service person I couldn't avoid when my well pump went out. 48 hrs later, a mild sore throat. Fortunately outside at all times, so maybe the <whatever they are spreadingload is low.