Anonymous ID: 6107bc Waking up the public May 17, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.1444790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, I know a great way to wake up the public so you can get their support and move quicker. Use civil asset forfeiture to sieze the stock shares in media corporations that are currently owned by Illuminati & other black hats. Then vote those stock shares to remove corrupt CEO's and install new ones. Then have them fire all the presstitutes and put in journalists, and start reporting the truth. Then sell those stock shares to trustworthy people. Problem solved.

Anonymous ID: 6107bc De-funding the NWO May 17, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.1445262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, the Illuminati still have way too much money flow financing their NWO & Deep State operations. Cut it off. They own all the stock shares in the FED, so that all the money borrowed by govt. gets repaid to them with interest. Since they are criminals, use civil asset forfeiture to seize the ownership of the Federal Reserve and put it in custody of the Treasury Dept. (if all clown puppets are out of Treas.). Then we won't be repaying all the loans to the Illuminati any more, and that will shut off a big part of their money pipeline.


Then do the same to the shares of banking corporations that Illuminati own, and thus shut off another one of their major money pipelines.


With those money pipelines shut off, they won't be able to fund the NWO and clown / Deep State ops. Do it Q! Go for the jugular!