Oh shit let me get my pop-corn! This is gonna be great.
How about everything we use, everything we eat, drink etc is designed to shorten our lives and kill us off as quickly as possible with basically weaponized cancer. They have been doing this for at least 100 years.
Not completely done yet, kill everyone else off and make sure that not only become less likely to pass on their genetic genes but also become physically sterile. leave the planet themselves.
What else… create some new transhuman race of sorts. You can also say that not only have they shorten our lives but they have been playing god, not on lab animals oh no but on the mass public. Everyone is not who they were suppose to be. No those who rule the world just HAD to fuck with nature (planetary scale) and we are not even really humans at this point. We have not been for quite some time. We are in fact humanoids. They want us to be short, fat, and stupid as a sub race of slave humanoids to serve them but like I stated earlier die off quicker while they keep all the life extension technology to themselves.
These elites, they are stupid because they talked about what they wanted to do in public, wrote it in books. They don't consider themselves human either but something else, I forgot the name exactly but they believe themselves to be the transcendence of the human race, while we commoners are the a de-evolution of that. Space travel was never meant for us in their eyes, only for them.
What else… personal running opinion of mine is what we have seen on earth which is clearly not human is also not ayy lmaos but legit demons, inter-dimensional beings. The elites have been talking to them for hundreds of years, why do you think they need that drug so much? (forgot the exact name, you know which one though). It brings them to a point where they can talk to these machine elves and they tell them about all the power they will have if they just build exactly what they tell them. Oh and they really want into our world, what did you think cern actually was anyways? Finding the god particle? Nope. What else… Create an AI in their image which can tell them what to do and they don't need to get whacked out their minds anymore to communicate. The AIs are like souless husks that they can make use of I presume. The elites themselves are scared of what they are creating also but continue to make it thinking they will be spared while the rest of the world dies, in less then 3 days. Cern is their way to enter our world spiritually and soulless AI machines will be their shells they will use to interact.
Alright I'm out of ideas and its late.