This was from early last year…
Higgins and Cohen Watnick were brought on by Flynn…
Memo calls out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of gov't
This was from early last year…
Higgins and Cohen Watnick were brought on by Flynn…
Memo calls out Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of gov't
Army…but hell of an article…
I read those articles, and they are definitely well written…
Sadly, not surprising as we learn more and more.
And then there's this…
Chelsea immediately jumped on her mom getting gun control with Scalia dead…
Brendan Dilley on periscope…
Jump to 38:00…
McCabe is singing in a black site…
So, Mueller deletes the texts according to plan…
Gets removed as SC
Gets a pardon
Life is ruined
Former Marine
Am I missing something?
Are they blaming Mueller but it will be determined it was someone else?
Not adding up for me…maybe I'm slow.