TY Baker!!!
Still trying to get the reporters names, networks, questions, and answers printed out so that there's no mistakes, this time.
>Still trying to get the reporters names, networks, questions, and answers printed out so that there's no mistakes, this time.
Seems like everything's coming to a head all at once, doesn't it? Vaccines causing job losses, Invading swathes of incompatibles, Americans absolutely stranded in certain death conditions, HBO doesn't do good late night anymore, traitorous gov't gives billions in equipment to literal medieval Islamic types, obviously fraudulent election results keep getting pushed back, Mike Lindell misses prediction date, Trump plays Satan's theme song at his rallies, POTUS is literally retarded and reading off cue cards, 57 genders, Julian Assange still locked up, Black National Anthem, FBI locking up American citizens for exercising the 1st, Antifa skull fucking reporters with dildos, Scott Adams, EDM replacing DISCO, lack of high speed broadband in rural USA 30 fucking years after the fucking internet is invented by Al Gore, OnlyThots getting rid of the good stuff, and America has soccer teams, now…
Everything's fucked, yo.
>And he said, 'no, get out.'
>Trump had them under control like he said at his rally the other night.
Something tells me nothing going on over there is as it appears to be reported as going on over there; iffin' you are picking up what I'm putting down, and all.
The fact he knew it was a sacrifice, though. Revealing. Really makes the noggin' go joggin'.
I really, really, really, really, really do not want to be in the same camp as AJ on anything. Holy shit; the optics this cunt puts out (on purpose) are so awful. Fuck him.
Sometimes, before I respond to an anon, I like to check the ID's other posts to get a gauge for the type of anon I might be responding to. It helps to keep me from looking like a complete fucking idiot.
>If they didn't, well what sort of optics would you expect to see? The kind of shit we saw?
I'll say the same shit I've said since the start of all this. Eventually, the only thing that's going to unite most of humanity against evil in this world is the exposure of real abuses so that everyone can get a really good strong whiff of it. They need to see it for themselves long before everyone can claim "awe… that's just a deep fake". I'm talking witness testimony televised and pic/vid proof provided for everyone to see what all these evil folks have done.
So many have been helped (by this place) to get their lives back into perspective (some saved, even, if that's what you want to call it) by realizing just how evil some of these people really are. But those that are still fully plugged into the narrative machine (147 of which may or may not have been on a hypothetical company call earlier today pushing vaccines to everyone that's nearly 100% remote telework, for example) are duct-taping their reality simulators to their head with every push of digs, facts, or "funny" meme that is supposed to make them think.
>Some people really need to be shocked awake with the reality.
We're 3 years away from PDJT returning. That's true, and anons should have this figured out by now. That's 3 years we're going to have to make it through approx. 100 million people withholding from the workforce entirely (muh Revelation book). That's 3 years people are going to be persuaded about vaccines, taxes, UBI, refugees, and AOC laws and minors. I'm all about maintaining a positive outlook throughout this, but facing reality is a bit of a slap in the face when you really take a long, hard look at this shit. Lots of people are very weak willed, and will eventually start to "go with the flow"; even with shit they would've never even considered in their entire lives. None of us 10, 20, 30, or even 40 years ago would've ever dreamed that it was going to come to a vaccine to work, eat, live. NONE OF US.
Something to think about next time you talk to someone that's on the fence, or virulently pushing you to take the vaccine. When that line is crossed, and many start taking gov't assistance (UBI) to pay bills, what's going to be the next step?