Here's a thought.
Remember when the Dems were crying about Trump winning and claiming the election was rigged and on, and on non stop media bullshit?
Then, when (THEY) "won", oh the elections were just fine, no need to worry about election fraud now. Funny how that works eh? All of a sudden, virtually over night, all their angst about election problems disappeared. Doesn't it seem strange that, when they lose, they are all over election reform, but if they, "win," suddenly switch to, "oh the election process is just fine.?"
If they were SERIOUS about the honesty and integrity of the elections, they would STILL be concerned wouldn't they? Wouldn't they, if they were REALLY worried about it, STILL be worried about it, considering the things that have been found? So, why are they stonewalling at every turn? If they have nothing to fear, they should EMBRACE it because it would, at least theoretically, PROVE they won? At least, if they actually won, and won legitimately. If they didn't, well what sort of optics would you expect to see? The kind of shit we saw?