It's used a bunch of times for a bunch of reasons, but this is YUGE!!!
Bigger than the moonwalk:New system pulls water from thin air
The military might not be considered the hub of innovation, but put the head of the Air Force’s “Air University” together with an inventive pilot and you might just pull water out of thin air.
And now that retired Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast and his former aide-de-camp David Stuckenberg have done just that, they are quickly becoming the talk around Washington, the nation, and the world for producing the first green energy water maker.
Using new technology that mimics how Mother Earth makes water, their Genesis Systems WaterCube is set to debut next month and promises to deliver water just about anywhere, even the desert.
Stuckenberg said he first thought up the idea while flying over water-starved Afghanistan in 2016. Over the next few years, he took several key posts where he saw the importance, and costs, of moving water.
Then, in 2019, he participated in a military exercise in which water was the weapon of war.“Let me tell you, if used this way, water, or the lack of it, can impact as many people as a [weapon of mass destruction],” he said. But he added that “exactly zero” investment on generating it has been done. “Water has always just been taken for granted,” Stuckenberg said.
He said that, for several years, Genesis kept the development secret, in part, because it’s easier to show how it works than explain the process of using nanofluid to attract water from the air like a “sponge” and then a “tickle” of energy to ring it dry and start all over again.
“It’s like the Wright brothers trying to tell people that you can have something heavier than air fly, and they think you’re crazy — until they built it,” said Kwast, who is also concerned about whipping up foes.
Now he and the Stuckenbergs are serving glasses of their water from their truck-sized WaterCube at their Tampa headquarters and even adding healthy electrolytes as they prepare for theSept. 14 public rollout.
“Come on down for a taste,” Kwast urged.
1:40 minute video