Anonymous ID: 6ae44d Aug. 24, 2021, 10:35 p.m. No.14451711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>15 days to slow the spread

>limit your gatherings and essentials

>wear a mask now

>social distance

>accept these new mandates

>things will get back to normal soon

>vaccines are on the way

>take the vaccine

>still wear the mask

>mandates still in place

>take the second shot

>show us your proof you have been vaccinated

>things wont change until everyone else is vaccinated

>get the vaccine so we can bring things back to normalcy again

>the antivaxers are the problem

>shame the antivaxers for being the cause of this problem


Unbelievable. Earlier I had some overweight dude that was having a cigarette and enjoying a beer lecturing me about "health".

Anonymous ID: 6ae44d Aug. 24, 2021, 11:08 p.m. No.14451830   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Earlier somebody posted crazy this bitch tictok video

It went something like this.

>my daughters boyfriend works with 300 people

>he is the only one who wears the mask

>he has now tested positive

>you'll get your karma and you'll get what is coming


The bitch was literally saying the only one who was wearing a mask was the only one who tested positive. Out of 300 people, according to her.