Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 5:55 a.m. No.14453048   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chris Dodd, the US senator for Purdue Pharma.


Very bad dude, like Corn Pop, maybe even worse, because of dangerous eyebrows.


Keeps photo of near naked baby on his desk.


Who pumped up the senator's balloon?



Here's who the Sackler Family and Purdue were buying:


the Sackler's may escape criminal liability for the chemical attack on the US civilian population (as it currently stands.)


However, anons will issue reminders, so that no pedovore no matter how prominent or obscure will be forgotten or overlooked.


All pedovores will be delivered to justice, temporal & eternal.

Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 6:17 a.m. No.14453146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

rightfully proud of his ancestry, the generations of the Fockesdogges or Ffuckezhunden family - are named in the Plymouth colony record, where one Abigail Fuckesdogges was accused of evile doings with kine."

In any case the Fuckesdogges bloodline is an ancient one, which winds back several generations before becoming lost in the mist of legend.


The charming 'Legends of Ye Fokkeshunden' told the story of the Ffucksdogges voracious matriarch who, according to legend, decided to send six of her ten children to earth and to eat the remaining four.



Legend is all that remains of the once proud Ffucksdogge clan.


Bow head pls.

Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 6:31 a.m. No.14453223   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THE CULT makes up stories to encourage us to hate; to react instinctively, to speak and act with violence. They do this for every war to create the noble reason for war (we all hate war, right?] is necessary, because, other people (not us) are bestial animals invulnerable to truth and reason who must be "brought to heel," slaughtered or enslaved.


"Amnesty [Amnesty International) said it appeared that many of those killed had not been involved in violent resistance to the occupation. "Some people were killed because they resisted the 'Iraqization' of their country by carrying Kuwaiti money or refusing to pledge allegiance to {Iraqi President} Saddam Hussein," said the report. "Others were killed simply for refusing to help soldiers loot medical equipment or while trying to flee the country."

Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 6:34 a.m. No.14453243   🗄️.is 🔗kun

WAIT! Don't do it pedovore


Not until you read this post.'


Pedovores, the Almighty having set his canon against suicide, it remains a statistical inevitability that a very high percentage of pedo cultists will chose to act in radical disobedience to God's will and ace themselves, regardless.


For that reason, we would draw the attention of all pedovores to alternatives to the fancy 3D printed "Death Pod" now on show at the Venice Biennial; where the with-it bloodlines shop for this n' that.


Your choices:Die in an untested, newfangled plastic smelling puce colored sneaker, subject to failure in the event of an EMP, DEW weapon attack or being hacked by the DARPA AI .




Choice 2


Heavily tested, proven deadly, the pinnacle of finely machined analog technology: The Kevorkian Auto Croaker. (tm)


Handcrafted analog technology preserves a much purer quantum wave form, is guaranteed proof again any EM interference, mass coronal ejections, blackouts, common uprisings, magnetosphere inversions and rooting by the DARPA AI.


Suicidal pedovores, God wants your repentance, not your eternal suffering and death. If you do choose to spurn His love, the Kervorkian Autocroaker(tm) may possibly be worth considering, as an alternative to being found dead in bubble wrap plastic display case with your veins full of cheap Guyanese zombie juice.'


Point 32a: Unsightly remains including protruding eyeballs are highly visible through the death pod viewing canopy, even minor celebrity clients should evaluate the chance of appearing on the front page the National Enquirer website like Elvis with a furled extruded tongue, lividity, 'slippage' and mottled skin (a result of light filtration by the semi transparent viewing lid of a 3D plastic sneaker)


  • There are seven suicides in Scripture from King Saul to Judas, and they’re always depicted negatively. They are never God’s plan for anybody’s life

Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 6:38 a.m. No.14453264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“Man is a scientific creature; he labels his ignorance and shelves it: it bores him, but when he has given a name to any appearance then the mystery flies away, and reality alone remains for his cogitation. We have arranged to label faculties of imagination and prophesy among lesser creatures Instinct, and with this label we have thrown overboard more mystery than we could afford to live with. Later these may confront us again in our proper souls, and the wonder and terror so long overdue will compel our tardy obeisance. “

Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 7 a.m. No.14453410   🗄️.is 🔗kun

gang colors crimson

Harvard FTW

.0001 %ers


Today, every color imaginable is at your fingertips. You can peruse paint swatches at hardware stores, flip through Pantone books, and fuss with the color finder that comes with most computer programs, until achieving the hue of your heart’s desire. But rewind to a few centuries ago and finding that one specific color might have meant trekking to a single mineral deposit in remote Afghanistan–as was the case with lapis lazuli, a rock prized for its brilliant blue hue, which made it more valuable than gold in medieval times.


"Two Chinamen, behind them a third,

Are carved in Lapis Lazuli,

Over them flies a long-legged bird

A symbol of longevity;

The third, doubtless a serving-man,

Carries a musical instrument."


“People would harvest mummies from Egypt and then extract the brown resin material that was on the wrappings . . . and turn that into a pigment.”


Well, what?


"Every discolouration of the stone,

Every accidental crack or dent

Seems a water-course or an avalanche,

Or lofty slope where it still snows

Though doubtless plum or cherry-branch

Sweetens the little half-way house

Those Chinamen climb towards, and I

Delight to imagine them seated there;

There, on the mountain and the sky,

On all the tragic scene they stare.

One asks for mournful melodies;

Accomplished fingers begin to play.

Their eyes mid many wrinkles, their eyes,

Their ancient, glittering eyes, are gay."


Lapis Lazuli

“People would mine it in Afghanistan, ship it across Europe, and it was more expensive that gold so it would have its own budget line on a commission.”


Dragon’s Blood

“It has a great name, but it’s not from dragons. [The bright red pigment] is from the rattan palm.”



“This red dye comes from squashed beetles, and it’s used in cosmetics and food.”


Emerald Green

“This is made from copper acetoarsenite. We had a Van Gogh with a bright green background that was identified as emerald green. Pigments used for artists’ purposes can find their way into use in other areas as well. Emerald green was used as an insecticide, and you often see it on older wood that would be put into the ground, like railroad ties.”


Anonymous ID: 141e63 Aug. 25, 2021, 7:04 a.m. No.14453439   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We love you, but -


Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE


In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.


Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs


Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown


shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.