kek, so predictable
MASONS are faggots and were coming for u
they got alot more to worry about then meetings
like they better get some better guns
does the game seem real now
i dont give a fuk what u are
tries the race slide, utterly fails.
shall we play a game?
paying attn
where does your family live mr bourla.
are they safe?
you want to play the game don't u
the game has consequences
soon, they wont be able to walk down the street.
turn up the pressure, even the playing field
have a nice day
archive your data
the enemy is right in front of you
you must attack your enemy from all angles
once you can see
you can see clearly
pay attention and focus on the players in direct threat of your life, findout where they reside
your life depends on it
do they hide in states such as new york and dem locations.
property records are free information
listen to what i am pointing out. pressure them and watch what happens. anons are born for this. you must use the knowledge i present to u. goodbye for now
principle location of business
princeton, nj
who resides with him
his family
they use america to protect thereself
gotta go anons
sic em
haha, nice slide witchcraft nigger