the age of empires can only be defeated if the youth of america quit playing age of empires
the call of duty can only be defeated if the youth of america quit playing modern warfare
the art of american minecraft can only be set to recover the ecosystem if the sandbox is tamed for psychological progress instead of cultural dissolution
civilizations will always collapse if people continuing playing the game of civilization; no matter which version 1 or 15.
you build sim after sim expecting not to light your house on fire and burn your dinner; forget to take a shower and miss work from time to time. stop the sim building
stop sim city, sim theme park, sim zoo, sim prison, sim farm, sim tractor; sim this and that. STOP SINNING IN THE WORLD OF SIMMING.
there is [NO MORE] farmville because the monoculturing is <destroyingthe microbacteria in the soil.
there is no bejeweled because your brains are rotting out and you suck at the game anyway.
there is no more candy crush. this is not candy land. and you 60% white collar workers sitting in cubicles need to turn off your worthless cell phone games and get back to <productivityin the name of [Patriotism]; with a Capitol [P]. u know <G>?
never ever play cyberpunk. you might turn into neo.