anon, anon
all hell has broken loose here today
please no more bitterness
i've changed things around again, hope you can keep up
just tryin' to slow down the collateral damage
never had a dog, bought dog food because i knew dad loved his dog & it was white, the cats ate that, he always said it was his mum reincarnated, so you see why i broke the tea set into that.
i know you're tryin' to save me, but please dont hurt these people, isnt their fault they steal like they do.
today Steve is in jail, emma is homeless, carly is reported as bein' an ice dealer, steph the same, peter has 14 days till she's evicted and it just keeps goin'
please dont hurt these people, theyre ignorant operatin' under false beliefs based on lies, if you thought i was a peadophile wouldn't you treat me the same.
you know the truth, these people dont, please dont hurt them