Until full declass happens, we are all slaves.
Young soldiers go off to war to fight to make old rich oil company executives rich.
Young soldiers go off to war to control Opium fields.
Young soldiers fight to make arms dealers and arms manufacturers rich.
But what happens when the young soldiers die? Who looks after their families? What do these rich company execs tell the grieving girlfriend sitting at his grave?
Soldiers get their arms and legs blown off and might get a small pension.
Its sick.
Where is the full declass?
Where is the regrowth of arms and legs?
Where is the cure for diseases?
Its all left vs right, and no end in sight to any of it.
No matter who is president, we have to have 12 years of mundane schooling, followed by 40 to 50 years of boring work and paying taxes to fund old rich politicians and endless wars.
Bankers, stockbrokers, politicians, judges, lawyers and big corporate and arms dealers and big pharma are all in bed together.
Voting means ZERO. Its actually condescending to be told to go out and vote.
Life is better under Trump, but its still not much better. Under Biden its a nightmare.
The whole world is crying out for salvation. We want something more. We are all tired of this mundane slavery system running toward the shallow grave.