Lazy quitter.
Great job, fucking kike.
He filtered me too the moment I called him a lazy quitter after he announced he was filtering you.
Were you here a couple of days ago at this time?
Some girl was getting punched by two men in a mental hospital and this one anon lost his shit.
He conflated being punched to being sexually assault then to being raped then blame us for not reporting a simple beat up.
I think the anon I just described is here.
See how it's okay for violence or insults against men?
Is there a version of "Catch Fire" that doesn't sound like a little kid singing?
So nightcore is the $5.00 rip off from the original songs? Nightcore sounds like a Jewish band that can't come up with an original song and kikes the music industry as pedophiles like you pass it off as "balls".
You don't belong here.