Q:WHO is-are[s] locking [YOU] DOWN 'n IN?
Bathroom wALL isFLAKe'n merde-fleck[z]
'Woke' US Armysoldier likens citizens to 'the enemy' in TikTok video
"Everything woke goes to shit."
Shutting it ALL Down & Troops in the Streets for ONE?… Just ONE!
Mitzvah: robert david steelepassed awaytoday. sorry it happened to him. always thought he was a some kind of govt plant. oh well.
AQUINO - from ’The Deep State War 4 - Satanic Panic’ - A Film By MrTruthBomb
Odin_eye333: It's the temple of set this guy was military brass as well… I see the whole military as a giant DEATH CULT…
DJO: The US Armed Services, the CIA, and the FBI are all huge criminal orgs and threats to our safety and security.
StuntDouble: Mr. North? Not lieutenant colonel North? No flags go up here?
A message for all White men in today's U.S Military
GatorBug: I hate to say this, but I literally have zero respect for the ppl in the military now, bc if they won’t even stand up for themselves and what’s being done to our military, then how can we respect them and think they’ll defend us. I would be my last dollar 95% of those enlisted would turn their guns on Americans w no problem if ordered to do so
Tight_Budz: Those QUEERS have already said "if i tell you to get in your house n you dont listen, you just became the enemy!"
LorneMalvo: Tight_Budz, Yeah I saw that dyke in the video too!! What a fucked up place this CUNTry is!!!!
BEYONDTHEGATE: The U.S. Military has never been a good thing. Not once. The Revolutionary Army is not the U.S. Military. The U.S. Military serves the Bankers, the Covid Killers… .
Goobitus2017: Half of the US military will take the death shots under order of president Ping. The other half will quit. When most of our remaining US soldiers are dying from the death shots, the million Chinese soldiers on our southern boarder and the million Chinese soldiers on our northern boarder will enter the United States and finish off our woke Mark Milley military and bring brutal hard line red Chinese communism to America. The democrat party will celebrate joyously. As China's official communist puppet political party the democrats will rule America until it collapses into total destruction
Ar113p: And Trump knew this and is part of the plan to give it all to china
bubster54: "Our Military" does not exist. The military American taxpayers pay for exists to support and ensure Transnational/Multinational Corporate consortiums rule of the governments on earth and their domination of such.
heathen[rise'n ]