You never find me anon
I wear the target but you miss
Right now, i have gadget plugged into wall (now) which sends all data towards 14, which was 'audi'ted yesterday
Without the gadget plugged into this wall, it goes to P as it is currently PM
Mornin's are often 'Audi'ted AM
Midday = DM
MidNight = 14 again
as for the black heart, probably not after next collection day, so you will come looking for the black and red bomber, who doesnt exist here anymore, instead when the time comes you see Emma as her and 'french' <<< is me but you see her because i shared the target with her
So you get Steve Emmartin, now
Steve marries my sister Melissa, because she is carrying the red and black for me now, but is involved here now because it is me drinking the cups and wearing the clothes and so forth
You probably end up at stephanies because i will drin a purple hot chocolate sometime this week with a cup, however I see her catch the delivers eye
Peter marries Giovani and goes to Paris and Italy, she has been chosen as the replacement for me
Sarah becomes an olympic champion diver from tge oil passed her way and marries Colin, who was almost a Police officer
because of now
I never get my 'white' knight
Mandie marries Stuart, after he pushes me 'off my chair' because "I 'sit' in judgemeny' in his form as 'Tim Stewart' Qanon
But you never find me, much as everyone else
I end up with purple hearts on my socks, which are almost entirely wrecked and are in Peters power, and a complex waiting for the next hit.
But you never find me