Was looking into Iran-Contra with Richard Secord and The Enterprise and found this. Don't know what it is yet. Haven't read it. Don't shoot. 14 pgs.
'''The US Establishment and Al Qaeda"'
The then leader of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood, Sayed Kuttub, a man Faisal sponsored
to undermine Nasser, openly admitted that during
this period [the 1960s] ‘America made Islam.’
‘The government … were not prepared to set up
their own organisation. They preferred to use the oil
companies, at a discreet distance, as the instruments
ofnational securityand foreign policy.’
What is slowly emerging from Al Qaeda
activities in Central Asia in the 1990s is the
extent to which they have acted in the interests
of both American oil companies and the US
government.3 In one way or another, Americans
in the 1990s cooperated with al Qaeda terrorists
in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Kosovo. In other
countries, notably Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and
Georgia, al Qaeda terrorists have provided
pretexts or opportunities for a US military
commitment and even troops to follow.
This has been most obvious in the years since
the end of the Afghan War in 1989. Deprived of
Soviet troops to support it, the Soviet-backed
Najibullah regime in '''Kabul finally fell in April
1992.''' What should have been a glorious victory
for the mujahedin proved instead to be a time of
troubles for them, as Tajiks behind Massoud and
Pashtuns behind Hekmatyar began instead to
fight each other.