Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 2:58 p.m. No.14481666   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was looking into Iran-Contra with Richard Secord and The Enterprise and found this. Don't know what it is yet. Haven't read it. Don't shoot. 14 pgs.


'''The US Establishment and Al Qaeda"'


The then leader of the Egyptian Muslim

Brotherhood, Sayed Kuttub, a man Faisal sponsored

to undermine Nasser, openly admitted that during

this period [the 1960s] ‘America made Islam.’

‘The government … were not prepared to set up

their own organisation. They preferred to use the oil

companies, at a discreet distance, as the instruments

ofnational securityand foreign policy.’


What is slowly emerging from Al Qaeda

activities in Central Asia in the 1990s is the

extent to which they have acted in the interests

of both American oil companies and the US

government.3 In one way or another, Americans

in the 1990s cooperated with al Qaeda terrorists

in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Kosovo. In other

countries, notably Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and

Georgia, al Qaeda terrorists have provided

pretexts or opportunities for a US military

commitment and even troops to follow.

This has been most obvious in the years since

the end of the Afghan War in 1989. Deprived of

Soviet troops to support it, the Soviet-backed

Najibullah regime in '''Kabul finally fell in April

1992.''' What should have been a glorious victory

for the mujahedin proved instead to be a time of

troubles for them, as Tajiks behind Massoud and

Pashtuns behind Hekmatyar began instead to

fight each other.

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 3:06 p.m. No.14481727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>14481686 (me)

[They] call the Taliban terries just like they want to call us domestic terries nao for matters of national security. They follow a script. Phoenix Program. Was looking into Iran-Contra with Richard Secord and The Enterprise and found this. Don't know what it is yet. Haven't read it. Don't shoot. 14 pgs


'''The US Establishment and Al Qaeda"


The then leader of the Egyptian Muslim

Brotherhood, Sayed Kuttub, a man Faisal sponsored

to undermine Nasser, openly admitted that during

this period [the 1960s] ‘America made Islam.’

‘The government … were not prepared to set up

their own organisation. They preferred to use the oil

companies, at a discreet distance, as the instruments

ofnational securityand foreign policy.’


What is slowly emerging from Al Qaeda

activities in Central Asia in the 1990s is the

extent to which they have acted in the interests

of both American oil companies and the US

government.3 In one way or another, Americans

in the 1990s cooperated with al Qaeda terrorists

in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Kosovo. In other

countries, notably Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and

Georgia, al Qaeda terrorists have provided

pretexts or opportunities for a US military

commitment and even troops to follow.

This has been most obvious in the years since

the end of the Afghan War in 1989. Deprived of

Soviet troops to support it, the Soviet-backed

Najibullah regime in '''Kabul finally fell in April

1992.''' What should have been a glorious victory

for the mujahedin proved instead to be a time of

troubles for them, as Tajiks behind Massoud and

Pashtuns behind Hekmatyar began instead to

fight each other.


A few moths ago, Gen Flynn asked us to post vids on SM pledging allegiance to the flag and tag it with #RaiseTheFlagSayThePledge.

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 3:10 p.m. No.14481747   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Fuck. Idk how that whole thing posted again. My bad.

Was supposed to be this…

>[They] call the Taliban terries just like they want to call us domestic terries nao for matters of national security. They follow a script. Phoenix Program.



A few moths ago, Gen Flynn asked us to post vids on SM pledging allegiance to the flag and tag it with #RaiseTheFlagSayThePledge.


With link:

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 3:29 p.m. No.14481866   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We're THE SAINTS, faggot. We're Chosen for a reason. Go crawl back to where you came from. Better yet, go in a handbasket.

Lighting will prolly strike your ass next time you go outside. Kmfao.

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 4:23 p.m. No.14482191   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA put all the troops n billions of US tax payer dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan for the "war on terror". (Heroin, laundering, guns, trafficking, etc. not to mention how they expanded the gov't adding a division or offices here and there, like "The Enterprise," etc… with tax dollars for their "filtering process/hire only corrupt employees" in order to infiltrate.) But the stacks of $100 is a CIA signature. They abused the fuck out of the people there. Used the Phoenix Program there too as their cover for planned war crimes. Taliban wanted them out.


Wonder if all of this happening with them nao is going to lead to exposing all of that. The Taliban trolling bidan with ice cream and posing with the equipment and the stacks of hunnits with the MSM so triggered by it, gives it away. MSM 100% cia. Then add Trump video where he talks about the peace talks with the Taliban and how the Tali will be hunting terries. ("They're going to be killing terrorists. They're going to kill really bad people".mp4 here) Then the Iran-Contra and saving Israel for last type thing.. idk.

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 4:39 p.m. No.14482276   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dr. Mikovits says the antidote for all of it is GLUTATHIONE. Or something called Pro- Immune. find Stew Peters show on Rumble and look back 4 or 5 pages. Was a few months ago. Just don't want to go search n miss the bred. But the most important thing is NO FEAR. If bred still going, I'll post links. Also she said chicken soup n to TRUST GOD. brb

Anonymous ID: e98deb Aug. 28, 2021, 4:45 p.m. No.14482300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Watch all 3 parts. I think part 2 or 3 is the cure part. Don't be scared. Fear isn't from God. You got this, faggot. God has you but just try to think more optimistic faith, etc.. Get out of fear. You'll feel better. Faith feels good. Fear/stress/doubt feels bad. That's the enemy. Daniel in the Lion's den looked away from the big scary lions and faced the light/God.


Pt 1