>installing a python script to "view images on 8kun"
the op has reached untenable levels
>installing a python script to "view images on 8kun"
the op has reached untenable levels
imagine being moar pissed that soldiers bodies weren't greeted by the pedophile in chief than the fact that they were purposely killed to advance the ambitions of international bankers
imagine not realizing that every single war this country has ever fought, including the revolution, was a psyop to remove the "excess breeders"
great awakening is apparently going to take a while
dont care
fuck you
you were one of the very last shills to break your persona
that was a sad day when you finally did
pity, you coulda been a star
i initially thought that
but im pretty sure this is just moar blue anon faggotry
they saw what Trump and Q did
they're simply emulating it
i no longer think it was a legit go code, its most likely just faggots trying to market their faggotry like always
i mean, why grift just one half of the population?
why not grift the left as well?
they so desperately want you to edit your host files
no but im sure hotwheels has your best interest at heart
trust hotwheels anons
he would never fuck with you
i kinda enjoy not seeing their stale fucking memes all the time
i might go with hide images after the dns is updated
lots of social engineering from a certain individual about this post therefore
digits aside
i nominate this for anotable
>You are all trying to find and assign another reason. That's where you're wrong. It's illogical. There IS no other reason.
>Fauci and his band simply LIKE DEATH.
this rings true
they are fucking pissed about this half chan thread
>Generation Jones
>Jones loves medicine, radiation, vaccines, lab coats, torture methods, Milgram experiments, thalidomide-type scandals and sadism. They're also Generation Transgender and Generation Pedophile. Nobody knows why they turned out this way but they're the world's tiniest generation, they're all pedos and troons, they're all sadistic and they're disproportionately in positions of power throughout government and military right now throughout the world.
>The idea was to abort or child-murder Generation X during the late 1960's and all the 1970's. Every bit of news media and Hollywood shit was explicitly that: kill your children and do it now. Baby Boomers hadn't had any kids yet (those became Millennials who were mostly born in the 1980's), so whose kids was this propaganda targeting? Silent Generation. Their kids were us: Gen X.
>Born 1965-1979.
>Why did they want to kill us? Just guess.
>When that didn't work, then open acts of sabotage began to genocide us passive-aggressively. You can almost see their thinking: Well, those dangerous kids who see through us are largely still here. We'll do what we can then to stop them because we are God, God is with us, and we are always right. So this won't fail.
>Gen X had its jobs and future annihilated, which created vast swathes of Gen X suicides. We became literally Generation Suicide, the biggest demographic of suicides per year, because there was nothing to live for. This is what pisses me off when Millennials demand to know why we didn't "do" anything to make their lives comfier than they now are. First, none of you were even here and we didn't know you were coming. We were the youth then. But second we were fucking under attack by these same forces and CONSISTENTLY. OPENLY.
>After our futures were destroyed, it became more overt: FICO introduced in 1989 as we were graduating college to make us homeless. Dot Com explosion to wreck our businesses and make us destitute. Fentanyl and opium introduced to make us addicts and to kill us. It's just one attack after another and if you back away and look at it all from afar, it is a war: Silent Generation has consistently made war and engaged in open attacks against Generation X because THEY KNOW WE KNOW WHO AND WHAT THEY ARE, WE RECOGNIZE WHAT THEY ARE DOING TO YOU AND WE MIGHT WARN YOU ALL ABOUT IT (as I am doing now), and most of all:
>We remember what America was like before Clownworld and know the way BACK.
>I am not anywhere saying ignore the Baby Boomers, or dismiss or not punish their fucking absolute complicity in this. I'm not ignoring Jews. This is not that discussion. There's plenty of other threads that do that fine. All I am doing in THIS thread is drawing back the curtain old people have draped across you, fully, so you finally as two younger generations see, name and identify who the REAL ones are behind all of this shit, operating all the levers.
>It's the gerontocracy that completely directs and controls and runs everything Clown you are being forced to live through this afternoon. Old people are all your politicians. All your CEOs. All the ones cutting all the checks to all the Baby Boomer drones being paid to oppress and destroy and kill you. You will deal with the Boomer drones eventually but they are the vacantly smiling IDIOTS you see in that tuxedo picture of Anthony Fauci, the troon fucker standing smiling on his arm to the right of him. That's who Baby Boomers are. They have always been this and I am trying to tell you because I saw them and that when it began back in fucking 1969: they have always been drones and drooling devotees sitting in ashrams at the feet of these sinister elderly twatfaces WHO REALLY RUN EVERYTHING.
>Those people are Gen X's parents: Silent Generation.
>If you finally never get this you will get what you deserve, and that is death, at the liver spotted, elderly hands of your executioners. Choose now or walk away
End all social media participation
Shun internet
Drop digital
Return to analog (tapes, books, broadcast transmissions)
Return to monke
That's the simplistic version but basically ask any Generation X-er what life was like then, support our movements pointing back to that era, then join them. Walk away from all elderly. No more support for elderly on anything. Anyone or anything older than 55, dump em
The primary step and possibly killing blow would be to completely abandon smartphones. Just toss em with masks onto a pile and burn the shit in bonfires, or just throw em away. The main block to this is individual fear:
>Oh how, oh but how, shall I remain "informed" of "important news" if I do not have my cuckphone
REAL news gets to you instantaneously or quickly enough to save your ass anyway without that fucking thing. If you'll notice, and you can test this anytime, someone in a grocery store or at a gas pump will announce any REAL news and make you informed. And without a phone.
>Anon, did you hear about that explosion in Beirut?
>Anon, have you heard what happened in Kabul?
I experienced this on September 11, 2001. I didn't watch a thing. People TOLD me about it. Completely strangers walked right up and told me, and I always find out the real shit that way. If it's real news that WILL affect you, YOU WILL KNOW.
Anything you would not find out that normal way is not really news so you do not need a phone in your hand at all times for. If they roll out mandates TRUST ME YOU'LL KNOW.
But everyone is afraid to do that. The phone is an addiction. Mass discard of smartphones would create real fucking panic among elderly. If you really want to scare them into becoming who they really are and taking their masks off to show the fangs, that would do it.
It's also the first step back out of clownworld. Smartphones go? Social media will die next. Social media dies? Internet returns to normal or dies off. This happens? LGBTs and troons get what they deserve, and so do communists. Communists get what they deserve and gay drops out of vogue, Jews become nervous. Jews become nervous, they make a mistake. Make a mistake, we're finally rid of them.
Finally rid of them? Silent and Boomers get put in rest homes, we seal them in, we walk away,
>Goodbye clownworld, and not a single shot fired.
Yes. I don't know why it is, and I think ancient astrologers had no clue either. All they did was call it as they see it. To me it makes a suspicious amount of sense. The key is what Pluto does. This site explains it well:
When Silent Gen was being born, Pluto moved through Cancer. Whatever sign it enters it magnifies the dark aspects of. Cancer's dark aspects are "my house", "my home", grasping and snatching things, "this is mine", because I said so", "I'm in charge", elderly, patriotism, communism, red scare, mass hysteria (think War of the Worlds and Orson Wells), mass broadcast, mass hypnosis. Television began in this time period. So Silent Gen will exhibit the most nightmarish aspects of Pluto-Cancer.
Boomers were born when Pluto entered Leo. This one goes almost without explaining. The dark side of Leo is: "me, me, me". "Look at me, look how special I am". I am special. I am beautiful. Sex, drugs and rock and roll. Think of Madonna (born in this period). What is she known for? If a whole generation was like Madonna, what would it look, think, speak and behave like?
Now think for a moment of what you've seen about Boomers.
When Pluto left Leo and entered Virgo, Generation X was born. Dark side of Virgo: snitching, stalking, watching, recording, taking notes on, the Stasi, spying, talking dirt on people behind their back, prudery and hypocrisy about sex, aversion to sex, sex diseases (when did HIV and AIDS arise and what generation did it effectively kill sex for?), the internet as a spying tool, blogs, vlogging, nitpicking, virtue signaling, somatic illnesses, hypochondria, PURITY TESTS. Sound familiar?
Then Pluto moved into Libra and Millennials were born. Dark side of Libra: too fond of Japan/Japanese shit, aversion to work, everyone thinks they're an illustrator, social justice, communismโฆ mmm?
True. Silent Generation are mostly sociopaths and psychotics. Baby Boomers are mostly sociopaths and Cluster B, with some schizophrenia presenting now (go look at most homeless in your city: what age group do you mostly see). Most Baby Boomer schizophrenia however, I believe, is drug misuse-based, in large part bad LSD and mushrooms. Many literally went too far out and never came back. Generation X are mostly suicidal depressives. Millennials are mostly Cluster B and bipolarity. Zoomers started off hardy but are beginning to shown signs of bipolarity and schizophrenia. Remember when Millennials were children? Adderal, Risperdal and other drugs were handed out like candy to them and the push to drug them in childhood was near identical to the vaccine push today, except with candy colored commercials and a big McDonald's smile. Today there is no smile and it has become compulsory.
Every generation is deliberately dosed with something that will result in what Silent Generation wants.
Boomers: LSD, marijuana, shrooms, PCP
Gen X: Antidepressants that wound up spiking depression and ideating suicidality
Millennials: SSRIs
Zoomers: HRT and other hormones
Do you get it? Now who runs all these big pharmaceutical companies? Your gen? Mine? OR FAUCI'S (Silent Gen)?
Who devises the mandates? Who has the political power behind it all, demanding them? Yes, the Boomers and Gen X traitors like Gretchen Whitmer are the footsoldiers announcing these things BUT WHO DEMANDS THEM? Who is it who keeps being not questioned? Who is being obeyed without question? Whose mouth is open demanding these things, always? In the first place? Whose
>Veneer capped
Your generation? Mine?
Or theirs?
Pic related. Those are not his. Those are veneers. Silent Gen cap their teeth with veneers to remain photogenic because elderly teeth rot, disintegrate and fall out and you would know by looking THE PERSON IS TOO OLD TO BE THERE.
>creating division you apparently despise
im copypasta ing this from the half chan thread
and i fucking hate every single god damned motherfucking one of you stupid fucks
so no, i dont give a fuck about division
Silent Generation is attempting to kill all of you and remain immortal and alive forever in your place. That is what you are witnessing now and all living through. The main roadblock between now and that goal are Generation X. They knew this would happen and in advance, and that's why terrible movies all sharing the same Butcher Your Gen X Child Before He Kills Us All And Ends The World were made, and why the dot com bubble happened, and why FICO was unveiled in 1989 (the main Gen X college graduation year, just in time for jobs and homebuying, mmm yummy timing!), and on, and on, and on.
They want GEN X DEAD and OUR MEMORIES AND US ERASED so we CANNOT present a competing reality of what your nations and towns were BEFORE THEIR COMPLETE GLOBALIST TAKEOVER. This is why everything is rushed, and why this happened:
During the 1990s-2010, lots and lots of CIA money was funneled into Operation Mockingbird projects meant to distort and ridicule the 1970's and make normies and you believe this was a laughable, useless decade of flare pants, disco and pointy collars.
It was the last moments America had before The Silent Generation, Satanist Jew, McMarxist Globalist Takeover. An America untouched by clownworld. An America where white rural values were topmost and trickled down EVEN INTO NIGGER CULTURE: everyone was based.
None of this is shown. Instead you are shown:
>big afros
>ha, ha, ha, stupid decade ha, ha, ha
Even this movie was a comedy. Why? THE SHOW IT WAS BASED ON WAS NOT ONE.
Directed by Dax Shepard. Who the fuck is Dax Shepard?
Why were the Seventies made a subject of ridicule?
Why is Kurt Cobain constantly shilled here as evidence "Gen X was faggots" when Gen X fucking despised Cobain and turned against him and Nirvana once he married a smack addict Jewess and promptly began posing wearing a dress?
Who and what were and are Silent Generation? Were and are theyโฆ.
>Obsessed with youth and looking young?
>Focused on creating organizations and groups that focus on globalism, youth and power?
>Interested in power?
>Extremely clannish (only work alongside others who share their birth years, assign Baby Boomers as devotees who enforce their will, assign Gen X-ers as footsoldiers who announce their will, care not for Millennials or Zoomers at all except as demographic numbers and packets of blood and plasma they can consume)?
>Fond of cults and religion?
>Prone to behaving the way television ministers and preachers do?
Did Silent Generation follow this trajectory?
>Beat poets and thinkers
>Iconoclastic weirdos who started communal groups in rural settings that became cults or became closely involved with those who did
>Get anointed by other Silent Gen "journalists" into being celebrity icons
>Models, rock stars, novelists, photographers, actors
>Move from this directly into music industry
>Rape Boomer girls and children (at that time Gen X aged)
>Move from music industry directly into Hollywood and filmmaking (this is David Geffen and Harvey Weinstein territory I now describe, they all followed this trajectory), or begin in politics while remaining in close contact and alliance with their previous rock star and Hollywood friends to use for favors later on (see Jerry Brown and his friends, like Linda Ronstadt)
>Now rape Gen X women and men, and rape Millennial children (the blood harvesting began here, mid-Eighties)
>Now move from Hollywood into politics, or already in politics and in GREAT power
>Rape Millennial women and men, and rape Zoomer children (blood harvesting reaches peak cartel levels)
All this while constantly posing in front of news cameras, wearing suits, and intoning eerie commands into microphones at podiums, and the commands become scarier and weirder and more medical, draconian and controlling
Why does Biden whisper into the mic?
That's NOT normal
Another fact: the war being waged against all of you now is a demographic one. Numerals, "trends", and large herdlike numbers of people. Few of you are trained to think the way your elderly enemy does, which is to see you and your family in an atomized way using corporate marketing and cookies to predict how different family members of yours, and you, will think, purchase and act in presence of certain curated stimuli. The fuckers doing all this to you are elite trained at this and very good at it and have had decades of practice, longer than you have been alive.
Do not forget Generation Jones. This is the "statistics and demographics" generation. They are the ones directly weaponizing these data and collecting it and delivering it to Silent Generation, their masters. They plan to rise over and seize the world from Silent Gen when the trap is snapped, there is no immortality delivery and Silent Generation dies. But that's a different discussion.
The masses of darkies entering your countries and towns: weaponized demographics. The AI being used right here on this site to target and debate you to destroy threads: weaponized demographics. Pfizer and Moderna, and how you and your friends might respond to a little more heat applied to the corners in order to make it all go away by consenting to "the vaccine": weaponized demographics. It is all weaponized demographics. No race or group escapes this. This is old against young, rich against poor, Corporate against Just Wanna Be Left Alone, and using Latte Communism as its chief jackboot thug to do so.
Same generation is still in total control and they're simply using the same tactics again, today, to exceed even that level of control, and promoting even more openly degenerate and nation destroying shit. Count the number of social influencers. Add about twenty more. Does this number sort of "parallel" the number of influencers currently allowed on social media today? Do you notice this number is never permitted to exceed a certain number? When more influencers are needed and brought in, the others are suicided or canceled away?
Notice how it's only Certain Journalists, both on Twitter and on television, who seem to be in a little club promoting whatever that tiny number of social influencers "create" and say (which always dovetails exactly into stuff this elderly cabal always wants)? Have you notice how nobody "outside" can ever penetrate these little cells of activism? How you have to be born into it, or picked at a party for your degeneracy and how comfy you will be with the pickers and what they want, in order to get in?
And if you do not seem easy to control you will not get in?
It's the same trick, anons, being done by the same people and their children. Jews, yes, many. Satanists? Yeah. All. Atheists? Not exactly but many. They believe God exists but consider themselves and eachother above Him. Above us all. That is The Beast system: one that magnifies itself and its largely scientific and medical/technological beliefs above humanity, above decency, and especially above God and God's natural law. This is why you have troons and other shit waltzing around. It's a conscious repudiation of and fuck you to natural law and they know it.
The point of this post and especially its photo art is to show you anons born after 1980 that SJWs existed before 1980 and this was what they looked like. Note unusual hair, pointed glasses. They were on the right in the 1970's but are on the left now because the present day left is ideologically purity test fake Christian right: tyrants, jackbooted thugs, authoritarians. This is why they want us back in Afghanistan and want you lined up against a wall. They were the same types then. Nothing has changed except they sport blue now instead of red.
Red wasn't even the Republican color then. It is literally, absolutely, 100% the same people and the same controlling ideology.
These people are dangerous to America and to all other First World countries. They cherish the mask, and the jabs, and the mandates and rules. We do not understand this because we are normal and not like them. THEY ARE A SICKNESS. In totalitarian regimes they were the ones snitching and turning people in.
Nothing has changed. They are back. Faucists and Schwabists and Communists are Corporatists and Authoritarians.
Correct. These people proliferated and seemed to grow out of the ground like mushrooms in America during 1969-1972. They became everywhere. The "concerned moms" and censors. In Britain they were the Mary Whitehouses. They created a chilling effect upon everything, especially freedom of speech and liberty, during the 1950's through mid-1970s. They arise in every culture and quickly become a dominant subculture. Pol Pot eradicated his in 1960's-70s Kampuchea, a rare departure for commies, who usually love and eagerly utilize them to erode social liberties.
My point though is today's vaxxtards and SJWs are ideologically the same as the creepy Christians of yesteryear. The difference is, today Christianity is demonized (pun intended). So to avoid association with a disliked subgroup they have assumed the cloak of defiant medical atheism: BUT THEY ARE THE SAME PEOPLE.
This is why you have hordes and masses of empty eyed NPCs praising Anthony Fauci, conflating Bill Gates and Bill Nye with being scientists, demanding you "follow the Science" with a cult zeal more closely resembling religions than actual scientific procedure, and goalposts are moved back and forth nearly hourly. It's the mass weaponization of science and data, and manipulation of religiosity and these dangerous NPCs, by Silent Generation, to achieve the desired aim:
Complete and global control of all individuals and organizations everywhere, using NPCs and their love of censorship and tyranny, under the guise of a sudden love of science (which they previously hated until it was rebranded), in order to achieve it.
In other words people like you and me are in a lot of danger unless we identify and disarm this movement now. That's what posts like this are designed to do: provide context, remind your generation this has happened before (a key thing the Silent Gen wants concealed and suppressed), and prove to you what you are witnessing and experiencing is demographics and ARTIFICIAL.
>Its way too much of a coincidence, having SO MANY of those types lined up all being born like within a 10 year timespan. They are literally the Foot Soldiers of the Bloodlines.
Like I said: Satan is behind this.
>In 1938 she became the president of the Birth Control Federation of America, the precursor of the Planned Parenthood Federation.
ah, well then
liberalism, like conservatism, is philosophical, not necessarily political
democrat and republican is the manufactured political divide that uses the dumbest fucking versions of liberalism and conservatism as their talking points
i did both a handful of times
all but one were either bad or just stupid
one was awesome, i made friends with a tree
but mostly it can be explained by simply escaping from the absolutely shit show drudgery of modern life, which is obviously going to feel amazing
you've honestly not heard of black hat / defcon?