Digs into the Judith Barsi Pedowood case continue.
Summnation of this chapter:
Vic Morrow’s death (absolutely relevant to this case) was on the week of Grand Climax (BIG time for satanic fuckery), just like Judith Barsi’s death. It is quite plausible that both deaths were sacrifical homicides.
Steven Spielberg -Oprah -> MICHAEL AQUINO.
Steven Spielberg has ties to Fauci.
Note: Digs into the death of Heather O’Rourke revealed that every single “Poltergeist Curse” death except Julian Beck were on dates relevant to the satanic calander. Dominique Dunne: The attack was on Halloween, she died on 11/4 (that entire week is relevant). Shaman Guy (poltergeist 2): Corpus Christi. Heather O’Rourke: Candlemas. Meaning two people who may have witnessed what happened to Heather were silenced. Julian Beck is a pedo according to Enty and may have been a culprit in the case.