I want to thank anons, two in particular.
I was getting sick of no pictures, but, I am no techie at all.
First anon to thank is the anon who listed all those IP numbers at the top of the bread. Don't know how you found them, but thank you.
I did try to do what you said, and located the "host" file under that etc file, last night. But no mater what I did, no pictures.
No luck til today.
Now I have to thank the second anon who posted this video on exactly exactly exactly what to do to put those numbers in correctly.
(If any non techie is wondering, when you do it, it is fine to leave them double spaced. Just copy, and paste. If copy does not work at first, use "control C" and then for paste, use "control V". (I remember that from the old days) (Personally I think it was my lousy mouse)
For non techie old fags like me, here is the step by step that worked for me.
Very clear instructions. I have windows 10, and it was identical.
>>14477967 The vid that helped me know how to edit the host file.
So…. THANK YOU anons!
I genuflect in your general direction