It's easy to fix moran.
Add this line to the bottom of your /etc/hosts file.
If you don't know how to do that, you are too ignorant to be here.
It's easy to fix moran.
Add this line to the bottom of your /etc/hosts file.
If you don't know how to do that, you are too ignorant to be here.
Did you read ANY of the 50+ posts over the past week showing how to fix that?
So to be clear Mr Governor you are saying LA has had storms like this in the 1850's.
How exactly does that jive with the left's whole man-made global warming narrative?
And how does your coin picture help there?
Are you confusing the picture of Torah scrolls with the WTC towers?
Also the plane here has 4 engines. None of the 911 planes used were 4 engined.
So are you trying to Muhjoo up the 911 story or are you just a total moran?
Oh look ore coin pictures.
Since we are sharing pictures of totally random and irrelevant things.. here's a goldfish.
What's the word from Maricopa County?
I'm getting radio-silence.
What goes on with the AUDIT.
Pay fukkin attention!!!
Buy a computer?