“Yes, indeed we did, Honorary Boneswoman. But don’t forget, I also locked up that other one in a ‘bear trap’ at Chappaquiddick for the rest of his life.” (Thinks to himself: “You dumb, hillbilly grifter of a c***!! We gave it ALL to you served up on a silver platter and now we’ll all be swinging from nooses!! If I could get outta this chair I’d…”)
Ruh Rho….anyone with “eyes on”?? Wait a minute…Q can hear him breathing.
Don’t like the body language (JD back straight. CG leaning supplicant) or the obsequious language. Reminds me of the pic of the pope kissing Roth’s, Hank’s hand.
Trust, BrotherBrother. We make our Stand. Proud to Stand with you and Brother anon.