Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:30 p.m. No.14484221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225 >>4226 >>4755 >>4788 >>4815 >>4857 >>4863

>>14483609 pb

>>14483415 pb

>>14483429 pb

How the CIA, Mossad and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare

Following another catastrophic mass shooting or crisis event, Orwellian “solutions” are set to be foisted on a frightened American public by the very network connected, not only to Jeffrey Epstein, but to a litany of crimes and a frightening history of plans to crush internal dissent in the United States.beautiful pearl.


Following the arrest and subsequent death in prison of alleged child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, a little-known Israeli tech company began to receive increased publicity, but for all the wrong reasons. Not long after Epstein’s arrest, and his relationships and finances came under scrutiny, it was revealed that the Israeli company Carbyne911 had received substantial funding from Jeffrey Epstein as well as Epstein’s close associate and former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist and prominent Trump backer Peter Thiel.


Carbyne911, or simply Carbyne, develops call-handling and identification capabilities for emergency response services in countries around the world, including the United States, where it has already been implemented in several U.S. counties and has partnered with major U.S. tech companies like Google. It specifically markets its product as a way of mitigating mass shootings in the United States without having to change existing U.S. gun laws.


Yet, Carbyne is no ordinary tech company, as it is deeply connected to the elite Israeli military intelligence division, Unit 8200, whose “alumni” often go on to create tech companies — Carbyne among them — that frequently maintain their ties to Israeli intelligence and, according to Israeli media reports and former employees, often “blur the line” between their service to Israel’s defense/intelligence apparatus and their commercial activity. As this report will reveal, Carbyne is but one of several Israeli tech companies marketing themselves as a technological solution to mass shootings that has direct ties to Israeli intelligence agencies.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:32 p.m. No.14484229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4755 >>4788 >>4815 >>4857 >>4863

>>14483609 pb

>>14483415 pb

>>14483429 pb

Inside The Elite Israeli Military Unit 8200

Ariel Parnes joins host George Rettas, president and CEO of Task Force 7 Radio and Task Force 7 Technologies. Ariel is responsible for designing and delivering Mitiga’s cyber security solution set. Mitiga is a stealth cyber security company out of Tel Aviv, Israel.


Ariel spent over 20 years as an 8200 unit member before retiring as a colonel. The unit, which is comparable the United States’ National Security Agency or the UK’s GCHQ, is the largest single unit of Israel’s Defense Forces. During his time with the unit, Ariel held roles in intelligence, information technology, offensive and defensive cyber security operations, and cyber warfare. He was awarded the prestigious Israel Defense Prize for technological breakthroughs in cyber security.


Ariel believes the success success of the military branch is due to a couple of things. For one, each year, new talent enters the military. He credits the unit’s constant energy and innovation to the continuous addition of fresh-minded young soldiers.


Second, the unit is in constant demand. The digital ecosystem is rife with challenges that 8200 is called upon to work on. For example, it is currently providing the Israeli Health Ministry with data science expertise to analyze the evolving COVID-19 situation.


Finally, 8200 started out as a SIGNIT unit, but its talented leaders saw the need to take a disruptive approach to IT which laid the foundation for its successful cyber security capabilities.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:34 p.m. No.14484234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4302 >>4305 >>4668


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.


Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.


Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.


Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.


Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.


Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.


Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.


Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.


Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.


And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.


By Max Ehrmann © 1927

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:41 p.m. No.14484263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4271

When I talk about "Trump is bait" you need to look back, and I believe a person in this room

named Michaela posted a video along with that statement a long time ago. It was on one of my

twitter accounts which has since been nuked by the powers that be. Trump is bait in many ways.

When people ask how deeply connected was Trump to these people. Trump in his own words

told you that he was an insider as much as the next person. He tends to be, because of our

loyalties to the man and to the mission at hand, that we like to neglect that fact. We want to lift

him up and make him a paragon. But in all honesty, he was incredibly connected to these people

in multiple ways of which he has never shied away from. He left their “special club” as he

himself has said, which is important to understand.

Earlier I posted a news clip that I posted some time ago and told people to file it away and

remember it. It’s important to understand that he has been connected to the Maxwell family,

intelligence circles and many, many other elitist groups for decades and decades and decades.

Trump did not come in as an outsider to these groups. He was as he said, an insider as much as

the next.

In terms of why does that make Trump bait…

Look at the flow of events around his presidency. Why suddenly was there a mad dash to arrest

Epstein when they had been content to ignore the cries of various abused people in the

hundreds. In the hundreds! People had accused them of trafficking them as children, of abusing

them sexually. These were international events going on. They were not just localized to one


In terms of why was Trump bait…

You need to think of it in terms of being somebody who’s involved in that cabal, knowing that

somebody who knows all of your secrets is suddenly in a seat of power and has a vendetta

against you, who has left your club, who has offered themself up as a sort of collateral and said

“I’m going to tear down this circle that I belonged to. I’m going to expose you. I’m going to

return power to the people. You won’t be able to stop me. And by the end of this, all of your

dirty laundry will be out there.” That’s why he’s bait. That’s why we have been able to overcome

opposition in so many ways that people don’t yet understand.

In terms of the way people look at this. They look at this situation in terms too often of political

blow-by-blow. But that’s not really the goal here. The goal here is to wake people up to the

corruption at hand that they’ve been asleep too. To understand the power behind a public

awakening which he has successfully led through both his personal charisma and his intimate

knowledge of these things. We’ve seen countless times where he’s made references that people

have capitalized on like when he said “Liddle Adam Schiff”. We knew at that point to look at the

misspelling in his tweet and we discovered that the Liddle organization, which is very creepy

child massage organization in Adam Schiff’s district.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:42 p.m. No.14484271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4550


There have been myriad examples of Trump very carefully leaking their secrets out in such a way

as to not make it obvious or implicate himself directly, but that We The People have been able

to pick up on knowledgeably. As Trump continues with version two of his administration, which

is sort of a shadow administration but will, in fact, be far more powerful than people

understand. We will continue to see this overarching, I don’t want to call it a plan, because it

implies that we have a set endpoint. But it certainly is a game in motion, play by play, move and

countermove. We have successfully outpaced the deep state on so many levels that do not deal

with just basic political blow by blow. In terms of waking up the population on all sides to the

intimate corruption to the uni-party system, I think no president in history has been so entirely


Trump drew them out of their hiding places. Trump forced them to expose themselves. Trump

did not back down onto their corruption to the methods of control that they would exercise over

people. To the intelligence community crafted narratives that intended to destroy his ability only

to create widespread peace movements across this world. He tried to wind down endless wars.

He tried to… and this list goes on and on and on, of the moves he made and forced their hand

with. He could not have forced their hand if he didn’t understand intimately all of their secrets.

When I say Trump is bait, that’s what I mean. He’s designed to draw them out for

them to expose themselves both to our side of the political aisle and to the other side of the

manufactured political aisle. He has been incredibly successful. Now he is forced them into a

position where in order to be the antithetical party to him, they have to be pro-war, they have

to be against so many things for the people because he represented a populist stance. He

represented the will of the common people against an elitist power structure. We are beginning

to see the revelation on all sides of this awakening of this uni-party system who’s grasp on

power is quickly crumbling. They’ve got 5,000 to 10,000 troups still stationed at the Capitol who

refuse to leave at least until March. Lord knows they will try to keep them their longer because

they are terrified of the information coming out around Ghislaine Maxwell. We have this

crumbling power structure that no longer answers the call of the people.

Trump is bait… who’s drawn that out into the public eye, who has educated people by virtue of

his action and has been a perfectly crafted play in motion.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:45 p.m. No.14484279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4287 >>4299


Diplomatic Protection Command, a UK force that often operates outside of conventional laws, carried out the illegal spying program, Operation KUDO for seven years at the behest of the CIA; in order to remove the CIA from legal responsibility.


As the news media cajoled Assange and people made statements about him being able to leave the embassy anytime, the CIA, through Spanish mercenary/spy company UC Global and the UK DPC, had been plotting to eliminate him from multiple angles and ways. They had gone as far as training satellite feed on the structure and staging units in accompanying buildings, tapping cameras inside the embassy; and stalking his fiancée and children; going through their trash, and at one point attempting to steal their diapers.


This behavior is on top of the multiple ways in which they had plotted to gain access to Julian himself to arrest or kill him by more conventional methods, like calling and pretending to be maintenance people or repair people etc.


For 7 years, at a cost of nearly 5 million dollars a year, they carried out this operation as Assange desperately fought to continue publishing truth from within the walls of the embassy.

Wayne Couzens, a member in the elite DPC force who helped oversee this illegal spying operation, was arrested in March of this year as a person of interest in the kidnap, rape, and murder of a young woman named Sarah Everard and later pled guilty to all offenses.



Remember, you are their real target here. If they succeed in the extradition of Julian Assange, they will have gained the legal precedent to extract and imprison anyone on the entire planet who would publish material critical of them.

Assange is being, loosely, tried under the espionage act, but is not charged with actually stealing secrets, only with publishing recieved materials.


If they succeed here, the Biden Admin will have the legal precedent necessary to extract and imprison, anyone on the planet who disagrees with them.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:51 p.m. No.14484299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4313


Julian Assange "grab team" video 1 near infra-red footage for enhancement competition 1


the above link has video footage of the illegal grab team spying

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 28, 2021, 11:58 p.m. No.14484326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4341 >>4352 >>4357

Q. I am seeing commentary on a few channels that I trust saying that WE are the plan. What exactly does that mean?


A. '''I think it means that it's up to us to ensure change happens. Starting locally, your county, your state Get the right people in place there and it will ripple through to DC in the end

Sort of cut them off at the ankle instead of going for the head shot'''


I would add getting is awake, and then continuing to awaken others. Numbers are they key, lots of us, few of the truly evil ones….tons of sleeping.


We will reach a critical mass in the awakening process, when then truth will come out and evil

Will be turned back simply because we can’t all be stopped…


That's true We already outnumber them but we need more people to come together in the middle to beat the uniparty

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 29, 2021, 12:07 a.m. No.14484354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4356



Q said…(more than once)

When you control the levers of news dissemination, you control the narrative.

Control of the narrative = power

When you are blind, what do you see?

They want you divided.

Divided by religion.

Divided by race.

Divided by sex.

Divided by political affiliation.

Divided by class.

When you are divided, and angry, and controlled, you target those ‘different’ from you, not those responsible [controllers].

Divided you are weak.

Divided you pose no threat to their control.


Are you a patriot?

Do you hate your left liberal neighbors?

If so then you cannot love America


And you have sided with the forces of division.

Pity them if you have to but never hate


There are a lot of normally sane & rational people who have been brainwashed by the fear porn & propaganda who will one day wake up and realize what evil they've helped visit upon the world…

Not everyone who you think is an enemy today truly is - many of them have just been led (far) astray.

Anonymous ID: 934147 Aug. 29, 2021, 12:13 a.m. No.14484375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4459


Don't go at it left vs right because it's really not. It's a uniparty that fake fights to give the illusion they are working for us All you can really do is work locally to make sure who you elect as mayor, county commissioners, election clerks, etc are working for you The constitution didn't have parties - each person represented other people

Once you let go of right vs left it's eaSier to find common ground - nobody trusts politicians so it's an easy bridge to build - their whole intent is keeping us divided so they retain power




However, in addition we must remove the traps that ensnared us and we will bait the predators who set them.


Our promise to counter.


We the People have been asleep for far too long!! All the chemicals have lulled us in to a slumber but the sleeping giant is awakening 💪🏽 God Bless us 🇺🇸


9/11 evidence coming out soon will cause the whole temple to collapse as if in an earthquake. It will come from an insider who flipped.