Da kommt kein H-CQN raus, sondern es wird Chinin extrahiert, was aber eine ähnliche molekulare Struktur hat.
Chinin wirkt offenbar besser als Hydroxychloroquin!
Zumindest gegen SARS-CoV-2.
Siehe diese Studie der Unis Tübingen und Erlangen-Nürnberg:
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Fazit der Studie: klare antivirale Wirkung, wird besser aufgenommen, weniger toxisch, könnte eine alternative Behandlungsmöglichkeit sein.
Notably, H-CQN and quinine have different pharmacokinetics. According to in vivo studies, treatment results in an estimated 20 times higher plasma concentration for quinine than for H-CQN [63,64]. For instance, a 200 mg dose translates into plasma molarity of ~0.15 μM for H-CQN and ~2.9 μM for quinine [62,65]. Thus, quinine appears to exert a clear antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-2 with a significantly better toxicity profile in vitro and has a predictable better plasma availability when compared to H-CQN and CQN. Indeed, there are rudimentary reports about first cases of total recovery after treatment with quinine [66].
If SARS-CoV-2 caused a pathogenic profile similar to typical seasonal coronaviruses without transition into the severe COVID-19 stage, the world would be enfranchised from one of its most serious current problems. Thus, there is a tremendous medical need to prevent the infection and, if occurred, the transition of a mild SARS-CoV-2 infection into a severe COVID-19 stage by having access to a safe, relatively cheap, and easily distributable drug. Altogether, if our data would hold up in further clinical studies, it would be legitimate to conclude that the usage of quinine is an alternative option for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections.
Jetzt fehlt nur noch eine Studie, die das Gegenteil beweist ;)