Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.14488406   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 06:31]



CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 06:33]

There were at least 15 million ballots that were mailed out and were unaccounted for.


What might have happened in some cases:

  1. Mail a ballot to everyone

  2. Many ballots get returned to sender

  3. Return to sender ballots end up in anonymous drop boxes

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:43 p.m. No.14488409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 08:38]

“On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Audit Results in His 197 Pages in Arizona Audit Report


BOOM: “On A Scale of 1 to 10… I Would Say It’s a 12!” – Jovan Pulitzer On the Seriousness of the Audit Results in His 197 Pages in Arizona Audit Report

By Joe Hoft


Jovan Pulitzer released another audio today that explains the audit process from this past week forward in Arizona. Pulitzer recommends that the entire election system should be redone. The results of the Arizona audit are going to be shocking.

Pulitzer’s audio is as follows.


Here are some highlights:


We’re in this crisis today because our paper, our ballets, got mucked up. So the two things that built our country are back in play today – the paper – that Declaration of Independence built our country – in combination with two, passionate patriots. And there are only two things that will save our country, that is auditing the paper or ballots and passionate patriots…


… Arizona audit was the fastest, most efficient and most cost-effective, for the number of ballots it audited ever, in the history of the world much less the United States…


…The Democrats forbid [Democrat] participation and then started releasing propaganda that it was only a conservative effort…


…What’s going on here is all these people participated. There is a tremendous amount of people that had to be hired, there was a tremendous amount of volunteers. So now you have all these experts from all around the country and everybody is putting together their reports. Right, so that’s at the top of the pyrimid. I’m putting together my report. Other people are putting together their report. Paper examiners are putting together their reports. Cyber guys are putting together their reports. Everybody is putting together their reports.


Now these reports go into one central person location and they are put into one all inclusive initial report…


…So all these reports go into one place. Then it’s not just the numbers. It’s not that we found x-bad votes, we found x-good votes, this was right, this was wrong. You have to explain all the methodology and all of the science behind it and why you did what you did. My part of the report, which only explains the technology and science…applied, the disciplines, how we do it, why do we do it, etc. Which comes in my big final report, that document alone is 197 pages.


Now mine alone because of what I do will be many, many, many multiples of that. Think of it initially will be a smaller scaled version of that that will fit into the bigger report. So everybody puts in their initial report. Then basically the audit teams get together and understand whatever each part has done, how it fits in, where things are congruent, where things are not congruent and then you finish the initial report. You finish the initial report and only then does it go to the next step…


…that’s what’s been going on. It’s been going on for a week. It gets to one room and one overview. The team pushes it all down to one report [which will be provided to the Senate]…


…If I had to choose between a scale of one to ten, one being not a lot and ten being a lot, I would say it’s a twelve, and I’ll stand by that. And when you’re able to see the public report, you will understand why I say that.


At this point, the Left is going to explode with slander and garbage.


There will be no army to save America, the army is us.


Jovan Pulitzer: Arizona Audit Results What To Expect In The Coming Weeks


Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.14488411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 12:28]


[ Album ]

85 Billion Dollars worth of weapons left for terrorists to use… WORST pRESIDENT* IN HISTORY!!!


CodeMonkeyZ [Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 13:08]

Steve Bannon’s only real Warroom channel on telegram has just 20k followers.


Go check them out and join here:

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.14488425   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Avery Jackson: Neurosurgeon Says Early Treatment Works And Vaccine Is Killing People


Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:50 p.m. No.14488441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Australia Project, [29.08.21 19:32]

The latest Map is now available on the website - see:


From this same page you can also report your Letters (or emails) sent - there are 4 categories. Choose the category of Letter and make your report for each Letter sent. Any reported Letters will be included in the next update to the Map (typically once per day).

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.14488446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wendy Rogers, [29.08.21 14:43]

[ Photo ]

General Flynn is a patriot! The military is getting it done!🇺🇸

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.14488458   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mindy Robinson, [29.08.21 14:59]

An armed liquor store security guard (must be a great neighborhood) shot a man 3 times in “self defense” because the man was arguing about not wanting to wear a mask and put his “life at risk.”

Security guard who shot man 3 times acted in 'self defense' because customer was unmasked: lawyer

Defense attorney Jonathan Feldman argued that the armed security guard "reacted in self-defense" to the unmasked man

Do you see what they’ve done to the weak-minded? They’ve weaponized idiocy to be used against anyone that stands up for themselves.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:02 p.m. No.14488491   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mindy Robinson, [29.08.21 16:06]

China gave Biden’s son a BILLION dollars to start an “investment firm.” That crackhead couldn’t run a sandwich shop….but look who handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban with $85 BILLION dollars of our weapons at the cost of American lives, so that China could make a 3 TRILLION on their rare earth metals.


We have been sold out by a government that calls us “domestic terrorists” now for even questioning the suspicious election that hit them in. This is corporate owned tyranny.


Presidency for Sale: How Corrupt Officials, Corporations, and China Now Own the Country


Whether you’ve been paying attention to politics or not, it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore what’s happening to our country…the United States government has been absolutely compromised and taken over by corporations, Big Pharma lobbyists, and foreign interest. In particular China and global investment firms like Black Rock, who stand to make lots of money with China to the heavy detriment of America itself. What started off flippant online censorship, suspension of vocal conservative accounts, and hired fake “fact checkers” to control the newsfeeds….has turned into “everyone that questions the election or thinks this vaccine is bad is a domestic terrorist.” I was in shock the first time I saw that Homeland Security bulletin saying declaring that I was a terrorist:

…and sure enough within days I had friends and peers getting rolled up at the airport and put through screening after screening until every single one had missed their flight. Their crime? They were all conservative reporters, bloggers, or their crew who “dared” to question the most suspicious election of our lives and if this vaccine really works. I lost my 250k+ verified Twitter account for posting proof of election fraud, and I’m currently suspended off Facebook for pointing out that the new Homeland Security Bill wanted to mandate vaccines for covid and “other purposes.”What other purposes? And why aren’t we allowed to ask?

Then it got worse, as Biden handed Afghanistan over to the Taliban with BILLION dollars of weapons, vehicles, and aircrafts….Americans started to wake up. Why the hell would he do that?

It can’t be incompetence because he’s got a whole team around him (made up almost entirely of corporate executive honchos.) Then you find out that China was holding meetings with the Taliban over mining contracts for their TRILLIONS in rare earth metals needed for their electronics, and it all starts to make sense…

Would a supposed American president be willing to dishonor the lives of all the servicemen and the billions tax payers spent fought the war on terror….just to make money in China? Well yes, yes he would. Biden’s degenerate, hooker-banging, crackhead son was given a BILLION dollars by China to start his own “investment fund” because you know, he’s such a business genius and all. But I think it’s a lot worse than just making money ripping off the American economy, I really do. Let’s not forget why we’re in this position in the first place. Rand Paul (who is a doctor himself) grilled Fauci in Congress on why he illegally signed off on the funding to create a killer human virus using our own damn tax money, with a foreign enemy like China. (If you look it up, fact checkers will claim there’s “no proof” of that “gain of function” research, but Fauci’s own emails 100% show that’s what it was.) There’s absolutely no beneficial reason I can think of to manipulate a bat virus to attack and kill humans that doesn’t involve some kind of evil shit. What’s it helping? What if it got out? What stops someone from using it to hold the whole world over a barrel to either a) kill them outright b) make them too scared to come out of their houses and destroy their own economies or c) force them to take a cure that’s sure to have strings attached. The only reason Fauci isn’t getting water boarded in Gitmo right now, is because this entire illegitimate regime is in on it. As we speak Biden is breaking records in installing judges….they’re all radical leftists, and controlled-opposition sell outs like Lindsay Graham are confirming each and every one. By the way, none of what I’ve said so far is a “conspiracy theory” …it is all verifiably true, and as you can see I’ve referenced everything with links. So what stops a populous from rising up and speaking out against this corrupt administration and political coup?

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:03 p.m. No.14488495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress sent out letters recently to every single major social media platform and telephone company, demanding information from ANYONE who has questioned the validity of this last election.

That’s right, the same people who screamed “Russia Russia Russia” over a dossier that was faked to spy on Trump, are now considering anyone that questions the most suspicious, non-transparent election of our times as an enemy of the state now. If I’m wrong about election fraud, then prove me wrong…don’t just suspend me off Twitter and censor me on Facebook and not answer any of the glaring questions and inconsistencies that occurred. Why did they cover up the windows with cardboard so poll watchers couldn’t observe? Why are they on video hiding ballots and then pulling them out after sending everyone home and running them through 2-3 times? Why has my own Nevada SOS admitted thousands of illegals voted but refused to look into it because she doesn’t think it’s a problem? How did so many dead people vote? Why are thousands of Maricopa ballots printed on fake paper? Why don’t they all have individual serial numbers on them? Why were 82% of 2020 voters deleted off the rolls without explanation in Douglas County? Why did every “glitch” that switched votes on live TV only benefit Biden? Why did Dominion say the machines couldn’t be hooked up to the internet when they have Chinese modems in them? Why aren’t we allowed to ask these questions and why aren’t we being given any answers?! Innocent people don’t fight audits and refuse to hand in routers that are supposed to exonerate them…unless that evidence wouldn’t. This Afghanistan catastrophe that has already cost the lives of 13 service members and their countless allies, has everyone questioning….are these people really supposed to be in charge of the country?

Now the Office of Naval Intelligence has decided to send out notices “reminding” not only active duty members…but reserved and retired veterans that they are not supposed to ever have a negative opinion on the commander in chief or his administration, no matter how bad it gets.

While I have heard that officers in particular aren’t allowed to be overly political and critical of the president…I have NEVER seen the military care or go after what their veterans say or do like this. As you can see, they also throw veiled threats at citizens for speaking out, saying we should be overly critical because the ONI will look bad. Go f- yourselves, commies. Funny how none of that applied or was enforced when people were saying all that awful shit about Trump. I can only imagine how fast I’d be in jail if I posed with Biden’s fake severed head for a photo op like Kathy Griffin did. Trump wasn’t supposed to win, they hate him because he broke up their sweet gravy train of ripping off tax payers blind. Remember the Stimulus Bill? They knew we’d be looking through it and they put in millions for gender study programs in Pakistan and money for all their liberal pet projects…they didn’t even care if it was ridiculous and obvious money laundering, this is just what they do.

Back to this “vaccine” their shoving down our throats without any science behind it. These people really expect the public to inject an untested, experimental mRNA substance that’s had ZERO long term studies done, no generational side effect studies, and not even that promising short term studies into my body? It doesn’t even stop covid, and the best they can muster is that it’s the unvaccinated’s fault? How? In what universe? The worst breakouts seem to be in heavily vaccinated places…like Isreal, super-liberal Massachusetts, and this 100% vaccinated cruise ship.

What’s in this vaccine that they want everyone to risk taking it….whether they’re children, whether they’re pregnant, have natural immunity, or religious or consciousness objection? Why is the news and all these social media “fact checkers” deeming it “safe” when it’s injured and killed more people than all the other vaccines in the last 2 decades combined?

20 service members died of covid in all of 2020 (or the flu, who knows because the CDC quietly admitted the tests can’t tell) but you want to risk their lives taking this vaccine that kills more people than that a day? It was only 20 years ago you injured 25-35% of our Gulf War troops with the failed Anthrax vaccine….which by the way, guess who made that? The exact same company and people that’s making AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine right now. Sounds super safe alright. 👌🏻 Then you have the battle cries from the ill-informed that it’s “FDA approved” so it’s safe now! Oh get the hell outta here, they 1) still have no long term studies 2) didn’t follow their own protocols in approving it 3) the FDA approved dangerous products all the time and has to recall them, can we talk about the asbestos they had in baby powder? and 5) the FDA couldn’t be in bed deeper with Big Pharma if they tried, literally:

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.14488497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So what do I think is really going on as someone that does nothing but research data and write articles all day? I think Trump rushed them to make a vaccine not knowing at the time it was Fauci, China, and Big Pharma that was behind the making of the virus in the first place. Since they didn’t know which one would work they threw out multiple brands and versions to test on the public (every single vaccine manufacturer is owned by Black Rock so it really doesn’t matter which one “wins.”) Black Rock also owns most of our media and too level key government officials, so they blitzed it out as fast as they could before people realized the debilitating side effects, that it doesn’t stop covid, and the what the reason was they made the virus in the first place. And now since the wool’s come off people’s eyes….these corrupt powers that be intend to up the censorship, use people’s jobs and corporations to force them to vaccinate, all the while punitively going after anyone that tries to speak out by labeling them as “domestic terrorists.” Think about this, if covid is so deadly…why hasn’t our homeless population been decimated? Why aren’t they lining them up for shots, or the illegals at the border, or these Afghan refugees they’ve got coming in? But they want our doctors, nurses, pilots, and military to get them? Hmmm, if you wanted to take down a country…wouldn’t you start with the most integral occupations first? If these legislators are truly doing this for our own good and “public safety” ….then why don’t they follow their own mandates? Gavin Newsom, Obama, Pelosi….they all throw ritzy, maskless parties and get-togethers….but the rest of us plebes better stay muzzled while we fetch them a drink.

So what’s really in this vaccine, and why do they want us to take it so bad? This is where the actual conspiracy theories come into play because it has become pretty clear the government, the media, and these fake fact checkers are definitely hiding something….but what? If you turn off the TV, get off Google, Facebook, and Twitter, and start digging elsewhere, you’ll endless amounts of doctors emphatically speaking out against it. Did you know that if someone takes the shot and dies the next day that the CDC doesn’t consider it a vaccine death? In fact, they don’t consider anyone that dies within two weeks of getting the vaccine as a vaccine death because they’re claiming “it hasn’t had a chance to work yet.”

Naturally anything after that they consider too far out to show “causality.” Think of how many deaths aren’t being counted and STILL the death numbers are higher than any other vaccine.

So why does the media and this administration want you to take it so bad without question? Simple, we are under attack…we are at war with China and we don’t even know it. Big Pharma, Fauci, and China created this virus to destroy our country….and any other country who’s economy and freedom was in competition with them like Australia, the UK, or Canada. Think about it, that was the original excuse to take away our rights, destroy our jobs and economies, and get us used to being compliant to the no questions asked subservience needed for globalization and forced socialism. They’re open about their plans too, you can read about the “Great Reset” and “Agenda 21” for yourself….they don’t believe we’re responsible enough to take care of ourselves or the planet. Clearly the problem isn’t China dumping plastic into their rivers, Japan leeching radiation into the sea, or barges of oil belching filth in the air when we have oil here….no, clearly the problem is me and my straw. They also couldn’t have us figuring out what the hell they were doing, so they forced us to wear masks that don’t work absolutely everywhere, avoid seeing and talking to each other at social gatherings, and massively censoring everything online in between. They only wear masks when the cameras are on, but us peasants must wear them for eternity because “we’re all in this together” you know.

It’s also becoming clearer and clearer that this vaccine doesn’t prevent the virus, so what the hell is in it? If you get on any search engine that’s isn’t Google or a try free speech app like GAB, you’ll see multitudes of doctors speaking out against this vaccine and all the damage it’s doing. Watch this doctor explain how these toxic spike proteins are leaving the site of injection and showing up in organs throughout the body here: Learn how this man with a background in nuclear biology and chemical weapons explains how everything he’s researched and looking at is showing that it’s a bonafide bioweapon: See this former Pfizer doctor explain how toxic metal graphene particles are showing up in blood slides of the vaccinated here:

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:04 p.m. No.14488502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The spike proteins themselves are toxic, doctors are already seeing influxes of normally rare, debilitating autoimmune diseases like Guille-Barre (which is what the swine flu vaccine was pulled for after 500 cases and 32 deaths.) Watch this video below and tell me what they did in 1976 isn’t exactly what they’re doing now:

Remember, these vaccines came with ingredient lists that were left completely blank. If you want to know what at least one of the secret ingredients is…it’s graphene oxide nanoparticles. They are toxic to the human body as well, and is what’s likely the cause behind not only all these strange, deadly micro-blood clots….but this strange magnetism people are experiencing as well. That’s no “conspiracy theory” either…aside from the endless amount of TikTok videos of people experiencing magnetism after their shot, it’s been reported on VAERS itself. Watch this horrifying video of someone who was magnetized and originally thought it was funny, and is now experiencing horrendous and paralyzing side effects:

And just in case you needed more confirmation, 1.6 million doses of Moderna was just recalled in Japan because metallic, magnetic particles were being found in the vials.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:05 p.m. No.14488506   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What does graphene oxide do and why would the hell would they put it in there? That’s where the “conspiracy theories” come in because unless some secret document gets released….we honestly don’t know, I just know it can’t be good. It’s toxic to the human body as our most metals for one thing. It’s a good conductor that can be heated up and manipulated using frequencies….so yes, in theory someone could use it to send biometric data, track them, and even just could flick on a high frequency switch and microwave you from the inside out. Here’s a study that was using a similar (the same?) substance it to control the behavior of mice by using frequencies to aggravate the magnetic metal in their brains to release dopamine….and it actually worked. Sound crazily irresponsible and dangerous? Keep in mind these are the same kind of scientists that had no problem manipulating a bat virus to kill you. The government’s been doing something similar for decades trying to manipulate the weather by dumping aluminum nanoparticles into the sky using airplanes and frequencies that will cause them to heat up the air using 5G (ah, now you know why Trump didn’t want China in charge of our grid.) Look, not every plane in the sky is a “chemtrail” but these experiments did occur, still occur, and scientists have gone up in planes to collect data and everything to prove it multiple times. It was a full length documentary made 10 years ago that you can watch right here:

Good news/bad news….I dint think there’s not much you can do about the spike proteins, it’s looking like they’re designed to make you sick and keep you sick by needing “boosters” because your immune system is going too shot to defend itself. You can only not get your second shot at this point, or not get the boosters and try to stay as healthy as possible until we figure out what the hell is going on with these things. Theoretically though, there should be ways to clean this metal out of your blood mostly because it’s heavily magnetic and therapies already exist to filter out blood issues….but I’m not a doctor and I’m not going to pretend to be, I’m just a research journalist trying to offer possible solutions. The other thing you have to worry about is our food supply. Bill Gates is the largest farm owner in this country now and China’s not far behind….forgive me if I don’t trust the country currently trying to kill us and the guy that thinks there’s too many people on the planet with the safety of my food. Videos are already popping up of people finding their meat or coffee magnetized.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:05 p.m. No.14488507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Buckle up buttercups, these people are monsters and it’s only going to get worse from here as they panic. They might have control of the government…but we have the numbers, and it terrifies them. They have stripped us of our freedom, indoctrinated our children with hate, poisoned our bodies, and unashamedly stole an entire election to make it all happen. I don’t want you to believe anything I’ve said, I want you to research it yourself, watch the links I posted, and come to your own conclusions. All we can do as Americans at this point is to ignore the divisiveness and hate the media wants us to have toward eachother…and look toward the real enemy. After Trump had made it illegal, Biden put Huwei, a Chinese military intelligence company in charge of making our chips….they don’t even have to hack anything anymore, because they’ll already have access to it. They didn’t have send over missiles and bombs….we were bought out. Our land, our companies, our politicians, our federal agencies….nothing the Biden administration has done has actually helped Americans. We’ve been completely taken over, and most people haven’t realized it yet because social media and the media run defense to it all. I hope this country wakes up in time, when people ask how you “let” the Holocaust happen….it doesn’t happen overnight. It seeps in slowly while every bit of information is controlled, and the only thing people here and see is the propaganda they want you to. This new measure where Congress wants access to our private messages and texts across the board is where we as Americans must hold the line. The FBI has already reluctantly admitted there was no real planned “insurrection” on January 6th, and they’ve been dropping cases because they know they either can’t prove it….or they’d have to show the 14k hours of security footage of cops letting people in in it goes to trial. As someone who was there and got my own FBI visit for it…let me tell you, January 6th was hyped out of proportion to 1) blame Trump 2) prevent another massive protest against an insanely corrupt congress and election and 3) have an “excuse” not to do the audit that half a million people showed up there to demand. Speaking of, Maricopa County has done everything in the world to hold the most transparent, complete (minus the routers they illegally refuse to hand over for obvious reason) forensic election ever. They have to, because they know the scrutiny it will be under and the importance of proving it. Don’t take the vaccine no matter what they do, don’t patronize places that demand vaccine passports, go to every town hall meeting your county has, protest like crazy, and demand an audit of all 50 states! It’s the only way we can save this country through legislation and not through civil war at this point, I truly believe we can do it if we stand together. HOLD THE LINE PATRIOTS🇺🇸=

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:06 p.m. No.14488517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just a picture of Kamala looking like she is pledging allegiance to the commies.

[Ron Watkins], [29.08.21 20:04]

[ Photo ]

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.14488533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




Thinking of everyone in the path of Hurricane Ida. Stay💪Louisiana, much love🙏to everyone!

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:30 p.m. No.14488652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seth Keshel, [29.08.21 10:25]

[ Photo ]

What do you think Washington told these men?


A) “This war is taking too long.”


B) “They are going to destroy our continent if we don’t win.”


C) “Colonel so and so says we need to fight this way and colonel so and so says we must fight that way. Who should I follow, or do I need to consider that both pose legitimate solutions to different scenarios?”


D) “We are outnumbered, and therefore, doomed. Everything is against us.”


E) “We move under the cover of night. Execute the plan to the best of your ability. Fix bayonets and eliminate every Hessian and Redcoat you find. We trust in God to deliver us as he has before. I trust each of you to use your guts, skills, and courage to stamp yourselves into history. We will not live on our knees.”


Seth Keshel, [29.08.21 10:39]

Last shot this AM, from a commenter:


“The hour is fast approaching, on which the Honor and Success of this army, and the safety of our bleeding Country depend. Remember officers and Soldiers, that you are free men, fighting for the blessings of Liberty – that slavery will be your portion, and that of your posterity, if you do not acquit yourselves like men.”


George Washington


General Orders, August 23, 1776

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:32 p.m. No.14488665   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We The Media, [29.08.21 20:29]

I see things in Australia are going well. 😳



The Australian parliament passed unprecedented legislation that gives federal police near-unrestricted powers to spy on any Australian citizen – by gaining access to their social media and email accounts without their knowledge – if they have been ‘suspected of criminal activity.’


The totalitarian “Identify and Disrupt” bill creates 3 new types of “data disruption” warrants that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission can use to copy, delete and modify content on individuals online accounts.


Federal authorities will be able to impersonate the account holder and send emails or messages to their online correspondents.


SURVEILLANCE STATE: “Identify and Disrupt” Bill will Give Australian Authorities Access to Any Citizen’s Social Media, Email Account Without Consent; Allow Them to Add, Delete Information and Send Messages

By Julian Conradson


If you were wondering what a tyrant like Stalin or Mao would do in the age of technology, take a look down under.

The Australian parliament passed unprecedented legislation that gives federal police near-unrestricted powers to spy on any Australian citizen – by gaining access to their social media and email accounts without their knowledge – if they have been ‘suspected of criminal activity.’

The totalitarian “Identify and Disrupt” bill creates 3 new types of “data disruption” warrants that the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission can use to copy, delete and modify content on individuals online accounts.

Federal authorities will be able to impersonate the account holder and send emails or messages to their online correspondents.

The measure easily passed the senate with sweeping support despite legislators failing to set up proper safeguards that were recommended by a bipartisan joint committee.

Warrants that are issued will not even need to be signed off by a judge or magistrate, they will only need to be issued by the government’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

The Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2020is now awaiting Royal Assent. – Gizmodo reported.

According to the Guardian:

On Tuesday, the home affairs minister, Karen Andrews, introduced amendments to implement some of the proposed safeguards, including a sunset clause so the new powers would expire after five years and stronger criteria to issue warrants.

Andrews said the amendments would mean data disruption warrants would need to be “reasonably necessary and proportionate” and data disruption and account takeover warrants would need to specify the types of activities proposed to be carried out.

The amendments were defeated, and the bill passed easily due to Labor’s support.

When the bill was first being introduced in August 2020, officials claimed the new overly-intrusive powers would “only” be used to target “serious offenses,” such as terrorism, drug trafficking, or child pornography.

Considering the state of things in Australia a year later – with people being dragged out of their homes by Covid gestapo, Vax-entration camps being built to house dissenters, and anti-vax or anti-lockdown speech considered to be a crime of the highest order – their bar for “serious offenses” might be a little to easy to clear.

Kieran Pender, the top lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre, spoke with The Guardian about the government’s “rushed” power grab”

“[the bill’s powers] are unprecedented and extraordinarily intrusive, they should have been narrowed to what is strictly necessary and subject to robust safeguards”

“It is alarming that, instead of accepting the committee’s recommendations and allowing time for scrutiny of subsequent amendments, the Morrison government rushed these laws through parliament in less than 24 hours”

Day by day, Australians are quickly turning into prisoners of the state and now their overlords have only tightened their grip by securing unbridled access to their private online activity.

Sadly, Australia has fallen.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:35 p.m. No.14488681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jim Watkins, [29.08.21 20:28]

[Forwarded from Criss Croix]

Good news and bad news. There will be no gulags. There will however be processing centers where dissenters will be tagged and bagged, popped into a ditch with thousands of others and buried en masse. It's how it was done in the 20th century (unless they decide to create soylent green for the few survivors). Fear not, most of us here will be in our real home with Jesus, this place will be a distant, distasteful memory.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:37 p.m. No.14488690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Space X, [29.08.21 13:54]


[ Album ]

Bill Gates Grandfather, Dr. Frederick L. Gates was involved with Rockefeller Experiment Bacterial Meningitis JAB that killed 100 Million in 1918 - 1920. It wasn't Spanish Flu… it was a Bacterial Meningitis Experimental SHOT.



Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:41 p.m. No.14488717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@RealGenFlynn, [29.08.21 17:55]

Chase Bank has gone full blown woke! They need to deal with their own reputation instead of persecuting my family and I. DOJ dropped my case for their own egregious government misconduct, appears you weren’t that lucky with the DOJ. I guess my America First political views don’t align with yours. Your loss 💪🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸

@RealGenFlynn, [29.08.21 17:55]

[ Photo ]

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:41 p.m. No.14488721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

@RealGenFlynn, [29.08.21 18:08]

Nicole L. Gee, 23

Maxton Soviak, 22

Kareem M. Nikoui, 20

David L. Espinoza, 20

Rylee McCollum, 20

Jared M. Schmitz, 20

Hunter Lopez, 22

Daegan Page, 23

Ryan Knauss, 23

Darin T. Hoover, 31

Johanny Rosariopichardo, 25

Humberto A. Sanchez, 22

Dylan R. Merola, 20


May they Rest In Peace and May God hold them in the palm of His hand. 🙏🇺🇸

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:46 p.m. No.14488740   🗄️.is 🔗kun

QAnon John 🇺🇸🐸, [29.08.21 18:03]

[Forwarded from Qtah]

[ Photo ]

Mind blowing reading literature 30 years old and you know it’s the truth.


We are witnessing the old guard being ripped down before our eyes. Never exposed like this before.


Are they aiming to make America a socialist country? ☑️


Will we allow it? NEVER.


“Dark to light”



QAnon John 🇺🇸🐸, [29.08.21 18:03]

[Forwarded from Qtah]

[ Photo ]

“Infiltration instead of invasion.”


William Cooper was so far ahead of his time. Read that entire paragraph, it’s 1000% spot on with what 17 told us.


It is not just 1 certain group of people seeking global dominance, but the elites that we all face together.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:49 p.m. No.14488759   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The need is to find his puppet masters.

Biden can hardly walk or speak for himself.

We are fighting against principalities and unseen forces.


Ephesians 6:12

King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Anonymous ID: bc8abb Aug. 29, 2021, 5:52 p.m. No.14488767   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is appalling. Q risked everything to give us information.


Q was prosecuted and won, thank god.


You just said one of the most disgusting things I've heard in a while.


You don't belong here.


Fuck off.