Anonymous ID: 4e1382 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:20 p.m. No.14489204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You are the AWARENESS OF BEING. I AM. You are dealing with mind alone. It's all consciousness. Cause and effect/ Christ Consciousness.


Silence the chatter. Doubt/fear is the illusion. Doubt/fear is the veil. It's easy. There is only now. Time is not a bunch of little nows in a row. It's just always now. Easy peasy.

Anonymous ID: 4e1382 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:22 p.m. No.14489210   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dubs chekt. There is only God.LOVEall else (fear) is the illusion. It's so easy a caveman could do it.


GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! I just saved 15% by switching to geico.

Anonymous ID: 4e1382 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:38 p.m. No.14489282   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Papa Smurf always said:

When you are aligned, your mind is clear and you feel like you're on top of the world head over heels in love with life because you realize your thoughts create that which you are aware of being. When you believe God will answer your prayer, it feels good. When you doubt, it feels bad, every time, no exceptions ever.

Consciouness: >>14427587 (symbolism thread.) Since there is only now then every prayer is already answered now. If you think it'll take 3 weeks for God to answer, then since there isn't really 3 weeks away then it exists already now. Can't see it with the eyes til we tune to it via faith aka thoughts aligned with knowing it is done and on the way versus fear and trepidation and doubt. Thoughts that cause fear or worry feel bad. The trick is to identify them and then think of the direct opposite. You will immediately feel the relief which means that is the path to trust. The doubt = worry/stress/fear/chatter..the devul.. the illusion of separation from God. There is only God and you are the awareness of being. The awreness of being is rooted in love.. like how we come out when we are born..babies love. Then the clutter gets dropped on top of it by well meaning parents that haven't mastered alignment with God/ Christ Consciousness… joy/love/faith.. then the prayers are answered by God's LAW. God never ever fails.. we fail by believing the illusion/veil and then God can't do it because we are in doubt (serving the devul.)