Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:23 p.m. No.14488942   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The best for last.


PROMIS (Prosecutors Management Information Systems)






In the end PROMIS gave theCIA and the MOSSADunfettered access and far reaching tentacles into spying on virtually all of the world's intelligence operations and intelligence communities.


Then the late Robert Maxwell (real name: Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch a MOSSAD asset and father of the disgraced Ghislaine Maxwell)sold PROMIS to China and the CSIS (China's Secret Service) and gave them access to the MOSSAD's backdoor into the software. The Mossad and CSIS then proceeded to work together in a joint operation as they stole America's most sensitive nuclear secrets from Los Alamos National Laboratories.


(This was the beginning of Robert Maxwell's undoing)


This was the beginning of an Israeli-Chinese technology sharing relationship that is being increasingly ramped up to this day; United States technology has been both legally and illegally acquired by Israel and sold to China.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:36 p.m. No.14489004   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ok, how is this going to get out to the masses? This should be triggering massive investigations and resignations.


Yes…and it seems like our agencies are all playing pattycake with Israel to be in their good graces…for what? Money? Power? Is there a means to their ends that they have somehow justified?



Likely part of the reason why Asia (China) makes almost all of the chips in the industry…the death of Silicon Valley. Funded by the gov't, stolen from the gov't.



Question then…. My reading made it seem like the CIA was in kahoots with MOSSAD on all this. Does that mean the CIA was aware that CSIS had access to US intelligence? Or did they get double-played by MOSSAD?



There are lots and lots of Israeli tech incubators for US startups. Interesting. 🤔



Yep…..Yozma Program….Gemini Ventures, Israeli Venture Partners, JVP….just the start….


Beth J.:

Unbelievable. Thought Israel was our ally?!? 😔



Beth remember, our leaders do not represent us. We are not all in this together. They are together (allies) to siphon and launder our money and usurp our freedoms/rights. Elites vs serfs. It’s always been this way.


Beth J.:

I know. :-/ Just sad about Israel due to parts of my beliefs. Bibi was one of the first to congratulate Biden, if I recall correctly.



I believe that most of our beliefs regarding the unbreakable bond with Israel narratives were forged as exploits by the same intel groups to get Christians manufactured and silent consent. American Christians have been misled to believe that the nation state of Israel created in 1948 is equivalent to the biblical Israelites. The two are not equivalent. It was really insidious how they did it, and they did it through well known Christian ‘leaders’. Hear me, this is not an indictment of Jewish people, it is an indictment of the IC and elites that lied about everything.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:37 p.m. No.14489009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I always felt this in my gut.

If everyone is vaccinated then it would eliminate a scientific control group. The unvaccinated are a control group that overtime could expose any potential mistakes/ long term side effects of the rushed vaccines.


Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:45 p.m. No.14489037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


To be clear— employees of the United States government and employees of the CDC and FDA are not required to get the vaccine but they want you to be required to get it.


Trust the science.


Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:49 p.m. No.14489053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Candace Owens:

How many “rare, breakthrough” cases will it take before people realize that they are neither rare, or breakthrough?


How many booster shots will you let them mandate into your arm before you begin to question whether or not you are fighting new variants, or failed vaccines?



I’m unvaccinated.


I’ve been to six countries and 28 states since the start of this pandemic (maskless outside of planes) and I still don’t have Covid.


I slept next to my husband every night that he had it (what amounted to a light chest cold) and I still never got it.





Afghanistan has vaccinated approximately 2.4% of their population. (Source: Reuters)

They are a nation of about 40 million people.

Why aren’t they all dead? Why have they only recorded 7,083 deaths?


Bigger question: Why is the Taliban banning the vaccines?



-Using the CDC to spread his totalitarian rule over your children, your body and corporations.

-Empowering terrorists worldwide

-Allowing Americans to be slaughtered.

-In bed with China (and blaming Russia to distract you)




Justin Trudeau sold out Canada

Joe Biden sold out America.

Emmanuel Macron sold out France.


Western citizens MUST unite against our treasonous leaders who are utilizing a carefully-planned neverending pandemic to cripple the West and allow the East to dominate our societies.


And Australia.

Arguably the most totalitarian of all.




I’ve love human psychology and was

particularly interested to learn that people that are academically accomplished are the most susceptible to media brainwash & propaganda; they believe academic achievement removes them from susceptibility when historically, the opposite is true.


Thomas Sowell (who I love) has produced a lot of work on this historical phenomenon. He is particularly interesting because he went to Harvard yet routinely denigrates the academia. Behind every human atrocity was an academic institution that was convinced of its virtue.


I think you’re an academic, Sam Harris, and a hard worker but I hope you will spend some time trying to understand why unmitigated academic reliance is incredibly dangerous.

Would welcome the chat with you anytime!



Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:50 p.m. No.14489059   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pay VERY close attention to this video. For months I have been telling you that under the guise of a pandemic, the Biden administration plans to purge the military and install murderous ideologues that will do their bidding and kill civilians/ political dissidents.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:51 p.m. No.14489064   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Candace Owens:

Every single one of the policies that the Biden administration has installed is eerily similar to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

They keep pretending it’s about Covid—it is not.


Joe Biden is ideologically consistent with the most murderous dictators of the last 100 years.


WOW! Here is VICE News aiding the Biden Administration’s purge of any men and women in the military who will not agree to slaughter civilians in the streets on their behalf.


Thus far, they plan to discharge & smear all non-radicals as either anti-vax or neo-nazis.





Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.14489070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What? Joe Biden Gave The Taliban A "Kill List" Of Our Citizens And Allies

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:53 p.m. No.14489076   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mechanisms of virus resistance and antiviral activity of snake venoms



Viruses depend on cell metabolism for their own propagation. The need to foster an intimate relationship with the host has resulted in the development of various strategies designed to help virus escape from the defense mechanisms present in the host. Over millions of years, the unremitting battle between pathogens and their hosts has led to changes in evolution of the immune system. Snake venoms are biological resources that have antiviral activity, hence substances of significant pharmacological value. The biodiversity in Brazil with respect to snakes is one of the richest on the planet; nevertheless, studies on the antiviral activity of venom from Brazilian snakes are scarce. The antiviral properties of snake venom appear as new promising therapeutic alternative against the defense mechanisms developed by viruses. In the current study, scientific papers published in recent years on the antiviral activity of venom from various species of snakes were reviewed. The objective of this review is to discuss the mechanisms of resistance developed by viruses and the components of snake venoms that present antiviral activity, particularly, enzymes, amino acids, peptides and proteins.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 6:58 p.m. No.14489087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Startling New Evidence That The ‘Swine Flu’ Pandemic Is Man-Made


I will provide evidence that will show that Novartis Pharmaceuticals of Basel,Switzerland has conspired with corrupt “scientists” at the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology ­ Ft. Detrick, Maryland,to create a “novel” strain of weaponized “influenza” virus by means of “reverse engineering” the deadly 1918 killer strain ­ which strain was maliciously and surreptitiously released upon the world in March and April of 2009 for the primary purpose of creating a panic-stricken world-wide demand for Novartis vaccine material.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:01 p.m. No.14489100   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You have read Drop 938

And you are curious about the NWO ideology that is not Nazi.


Historical Dictionary of Nietzscheanism

The philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and his sister Elisabeth who was an ultranationalist German


Around the turn of the century, the ranks of confirmed Nietzscheans

included Thomas Mann, Heinrich Mann, Martin Buber, Paul Heyse,

Christian Morgenstern, Georg Simmel, Carl Gustav Jung, Robert Musil, Hermann Hesse, and Rainer Maria Rilke as well as Karl Kraus,

Margarete Susman, Emil Ludwig, Albert Schweitzer, and Max Brod,

though not all remained under Nietzsche’s spell: Morgenstern, for

example, went over to Steiner’s theosophy


* * *


Nietzsche prided himself on being a good European and was often

disgusted by German chauvinism. This did not deter Elisabeth from

collaborating with the fascists both out of financial expediency and conviction. Although she admired Benito Mussolini more than Adolf Hitler,

Elisabeth gratefully accepted the logistic help offered by the National

Socialists; Hitler even helped her from his private purse. The symbiotic

relationship ensured that Elisabeth felt important and flattered, and the

National Socialists made propaganda by claiming Nietzsche as a protofascist. It was also good publicity for Hitler to be photographed beside

an endearing little old lady who, though she was childless, seemed to

represent German motherhood, casting Hitler as dutiful son. When she

died in 1935, the whole administration of the Nietzsche-Archiv, headed

by Max Oehler, was firmly in support of the Third Reich. Hitler and a

host of party dignitaries attended Elisabeth’s funeral.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.14489149   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The topic tonight is disinformation and how to correctly source your news. A lot of you are

continuously asking me, “E, what sources do you read”, “What news do you read”, “What place

can I trust the information I need”. The answer I’ve given you year in, year out is that you

cannot blindly trust sources.

First, if you are just looking at right wing news like Epoch Times or Breitbart or etc. etc., then

you are in an echo chamber. You are not looking for accurate information, you are looking for

information that has confirmation bias built into it. That is what you want to hear. There are

myriad sources like this on either side of the aisle. CNN, MSNBC, etc. catering to people on the

left. You have all these other organizations catering to people on the right. That is a terrible way

to arrive at a well-developed opinion.

What I will again tell you, is you need to be analytical with the information you are taking in.

You need to be examining all sides, all opinions. You need to be looking at who wrote it, why did

they write it. What is the source of this information. Where did this story originate from. How do

I know if its true or not. Is it a story that other people are accurately reporting on. Is it a story

that people have attempted to debunk. Is there information about this that I can obtain from

sources outside of the one I am looking at that can either help confirm this or debunk it. Deny it.

We need to be analytical. Doing our own research is not simply looking for outlandish stories

that cater to our confirmation bias that pray on our patriotism, our hopes, our fears or our faith.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.14489152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Disinformation is only as effective as you and I let it be.

When you are looking at information, you need to be looking at all sources. You need to be

reading the articles on CNN. You need to be looking at Associated Press information and then

you need to be looking at places like RT and you need to be looking at places like Breitbart or

Epoch Times and maybe looking at all the angles on the situation. You need to be aware of

opinions on every side of the aisle. You need to understand that then you need to take that

information and you need to dissect it carefully. You need to look at who wrote what, why did

they write it, what do they stand to gain out of this. Am I looking at a platform that leans one

direction or another, how does that influence the information they are providing me.

In a subsequent nature, when you are looking at information that stands outside of a specific

paradigm, you need to look at the audience it’s catering to. For instance, we had someone

tonight who was looking at the website Before Its News which caters to extreme right utter

nonsense. Its full of secret execution lists and, for lack of a better word here pardon my French,

but doom pornography. It is catering to people’s sense of impending doom and fear of a biblical

apocalypse. It’s incredibly unhealthy for people to take in that information and believe it

without challenging it.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.14489162   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There is no such thing, my friends, as a trusted source. I am not a trusted source. NBC is not a

trusted source. Breitbart is not a trusted source. No one person, no one organization, no one

thing is a trusted source. You don’t want trusted sources. Then you are sheep. You are looking

for a shepherd to follow around and say ‘tell me what I can look at to guide my thought

process’. That’s not what you want. What you want is to have a free-thinking thought process.

You want to be able to formulate your own opinions about the news you are taking in.

You want to separate the opinion from the fact. You want to work with the factual statements

at hand. You want to verify all of the statements that you consider fact and make sure they are

indeed factual. And then you move on from there. You don’t need opinion or narrative

reinforcement guiding you. You don’t need to continuously dig down endless rabbit holes

looking for the next situation where there are a bunch of children in tunnels or other nonexistent

conspiratorial ideas. They are distractions. The are an endless source of info-tainment. They

have no bearing on reality, however.

What you want are pragmatic steps you can take with a sufficient amount of information with

which to act upon. In terms of, when you are looking into a specific subject – say you are

studying human trafficking. Don’t look for sensationalized nonsense like tunnels full of children

in New York City when there absolutely no factual basis for it whatsoever. Instead, go and

research actual statistics on something and see how the problem develops and what you can

personally do about that problem as it develops.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.14489166   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is up to us, each of us as individuals to weigh the truth or fallacy of any set of opinions or facts

we are presented with. In order for our collective here to be effective moving forward I am going

to continue to urge you to detox off of this sort of misinformation-disinformation culture which

seeks to capitalize on confirmation bias and preconceptions.

While yes there is a deep state, yes there is human trafficking, etc., there are not tunnels full of

children in New York City. Yet that was an extremely popular set of disinformation prior to the

election that multiple huge voices were talking about with literally no basis in fact whatsoever.

These things become narrative reinforcement and they are very unhealthy on your mind, your

general psyche and your well-being and they are unhealthy in terms of how you go about

differentiating what is real and what is not. If you continuously train yourself to accept

information that is fantastical in nature that does not have the burden of proof behind it,

eventually you will have utterly confused your own mind’s ability to pinpoint a fallacy. Then you

will genuinely be lost and you will have to, as I keep urging you to, completely detoxify off of

that environment and its difficult to do. It becomes an addiction to people.

I urge you instead of looking for trusted sources, instead of living in confirmation bias for one

manufactured side or the other, consider everyone’s opinions equally, look at all the facts that

you have available, weigh them carefully, compare narratives to one another and then

formulate well-rounded opinion. Use the mind God gave you. He gave it to you for the reason. I

urge you, all of you, be the people I know you can be. Be slow with what you believe and weigh

your information carefully. Be analytical. Be scientific in your approach to what you believe.

Anonymous ID: 83b499 Aug. 29, 2021, 7:15 p.m. No.14489174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here’s an example of confirmation bias. My neighbor,

my friend, my relative told me ‘look at this’. When we begin to believe because we are a social

species that naturally believes what other people believe to be true, right. If a group believes

something there must be credence to it. But that is not always the case. Which is why I keep

urging people to be analytical in the way they look at things. Look at who wrote it, why did they

write it, what audience is he catering to, is it based in any sort of fact, where did the story

originate from. Questions like this where we spend just a little bit of time - it doesn’t take as

much time as people think - can really save us from being ill-informed in general and they can

train us to spot the telltale signs of misinformation and disinformation. Eventually you become

analytically minded and it becomes habitual and that’s really what you want to do is foster that

sort of habit when you are looking into information