Anonymous ID: 13a96d Aug. 30, 2021, 5:20 a.m. No.14490988   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IO, IO off to work they go


A Swedish healthcare reform more than a decade ago allowing patients to choose their own doctor has unexpectedly led to widespread discrimination against medics with foreign-sounding names.


"When I was working in psychiatry, a patient cancelled his appointment with me three times because he didn't want to be treated by a 'foreign doctor'," 30-year-old practitioner Navid Ghan told AFP.


"In the end he didn't have any choice, I was the only doctor available. During the appointment, even though he saw that I spoke Swedish without an accent, he told me 'you foreigners, you don't understand anything'," Ghan said.


This story appears in dozens of online sites always with a different image to reflect TA beliefs.