Jim still hasn't fixed his shit?
<still comfy though. (comfy-pepe-sipping-covfefe.jpg)
Jim still hasn't fixed his shit?
<still comfy though. (comfy-pepe-sipping-covfefe.jpg)
>This video on the fraud of the Holocaust has been deleted/scrubbed from Youtube.
Don't you have a dedicated bread for that?
Maybe we are too many to wake up?
Maybe we can only reach the precipice if we are fewer?
Have you considered that the 4-6% might those that still refuse to wake up after the vaxx deaths?
>If you were an oldfag
Calling my credentials into question?
hOw dArE yOu?
>you'd realize that sometimes board fuggery is a feature rather than a problem.
<fixed your typo so the cat won't get angry.
How is me not being able to view images a feature?
How is it a feature that my browser keeps endlessly trying to download said images?
>You can.
Sure if I change the settings on my machine to allow this page to perform its main function. Ain't gonna happen.
If the power goes down WW i can't eitherโฆ does my DNS fix solve that?
If the WW internet is shutdown I can't eitherโฆ does my DNS fix solve that?
If, if, if, ifโฆ
I'll cross that bridge when and if I get thereโฆ
>DNS shut down will make basically everything unreachable.
Unless they fix their DNSโฆ
Why use an attack that can be circumvented?
>Who will do the culling
Isn't that what we are fighting about right now?
>Why would black hats do it if it doesn't serve them?
Maybe it's not about the culling but who controls the outcome?
>there won't be any 5%
>These people are herd followers
>The extent of how deeply brainwashed the average person is is absolutely insane
Exactly. Might some be so entrenched in their old beliefs as to no longer follow the herd if it diverges too much?
>you insult me
Grow a fucking spine faggot โ- that was my first insult to you.
>and use president nigger video on me
Stupid hypotheticals deserves stupid replies.
>ISPs do that because it's a cheap and easy thing to do
Agreed. Though if the point is to do an actual shut down, Not just an image crippling maneuver. On a larger scale than an ISP. Wouldn't you use something less prone to circumvention?
>It's not an easy thing to really shut down the internet as a whole.
And because it is not easy, it is completely out of the realm of possibilities?
>Shutting down DNS is simple compared to that
Why are you so dead-set on it having to be easy? Why is that per-requisite?
>For the average user it will be dead
But, and that is what I've asked now twice, what if the target is not just the average user? i.e. us here for example.
>Hey retard,
It doesn't change the fact that you are using a hypothetical to justify a change in my machine.
>Educate yourself on the internet.
Ok. Kek.
>I'm talking about DNS being gone as a whole. No 8kun.top for you anymore, which was my whole point, dumbass.
And how would your DNS fix solve that? Wasn't your entire point that we were being trained to circumvent the shut down?
>That's one host modified/changed.
Kek. Speak like a normal person and nerds thinks you don't understand what they are talking aboutโฆ
>Educate yourself on DNS and how it works.
Kek. Ok.
Fuck the ISPs, were beyond them in this context.
All I'm saying is. You are talking about one hypothetical. I'm not saying it won't happen. I'm not even saying it won't happen as you predict it.
I'm just saying that your hypothetical is only one of many options.
>and you complained about it even
No I did notโฆ I just stated itโฆ I even said I was comfy despite of it
Holy fuck you are retarded.
I said I would cross that bridge when I got to it. The images are not a big enough deal for me to do anything about it. So I'll let Jim fix it when and if he gets around to it.
>But don't complain that you can't access this place in the future.
>>still doesn't listen
>I think it's about education
Keep thinking thatโฆ What part of "you might be right, but I see more options" don't you get?
Why so hostile all of a sudden? First you accuse me of insulting you and when I do because of it you begin to pepper your posts with insults left and right.
Go cry into a pillow or something.
>Because I don't like wasting time on assholes like you.
Then don't. I'm not forcing you.
>You replied using a king nigger video.
Oh my!
>Just shut the fuck up with your lies.
So now I'm a liar too?
>Fuck off.
You first. Kek
Meme'ing is a lot easier when you just type the filename of the meme you want to post. Kek
I'm on TempleOS. Got a guide for me too?
Fucking KEK!
Sureโฆ don't thing about how air charging works, he got a video to prove it. Kek.
Anyone believing this is legit is retarded by definition. Kek
>How about you smart computer guys just fix the fucing thing
Didn't you get the memo?
This place is only for a select crowd of "geeky" computer guys
10 days of dankness?
>You talked shit like a dirty Jew so I call you a Jew
Kek. As I said, we're all jews.
How do you do my fellow jew?
>You are too stupid to read.
Kek. No. It seems you are.
>Little wannabe rabulist!
the kike cried in pain as he struck
Replying to yourself now I see. Kek.
>You are a Kike 100%!
Good, acknowledgement is the first step.
Next step is KYS
>To me being called crazy is a compliment.
Take your meds, so you can be like the rest of us. Kek.