Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:13 a.m. No.14490677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0684

Q is a useless riddlenigger that accomplished pretty much fuck all in four years. No big name arrests. Deep state still stronger than ever. No posts in nine months.


Big name arrests and REAL change or gtfo. Anyone who blindly believes Q is legit is just part of the psyop to further divide the country. Greatest divisionfag psyop in history.


Useless riddlenigger.

Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:16 a.m. No.14490685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0687 >>0688 >>0689 >>0694 >>0696 >>0704 >>0935




You guys are absolutely fucking retarded. Four years of this shit. Always a boom right around the corner. You guys really TRUST the military or the self-serving cowards at the higher ranks?


You are sheep. Nothing is ever going to happen to the DS, and you'll be right there chanting the whole time while nothing continues to happen. Fuck all these niggers and their fake patriotism hype.


Big name arrests or GTFO.

Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:22 a.m. No.14490703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0706 >>0708 >>0713 >>0738 >>0812



Soros = comfy and free

Clinton's = comfy and free

Roths = comfy and free

Biden crime family = comfy and free

Seth Rich murderers = comfy and free

Banker cartel families = comfy and free

Rockefellers = comfy and free

Obama = comfy and free


Fuck its hard to stand all this winning




No one pays me shit. For years I believed all this shit and was sucked in waiting and waiting for something to happen.


Trump has always been Israel first.

There is no good and evil.

There is only China and Israel.

There are only globalists and zionists.

Trump = Israel Biden = China.

You were just too naive and distracted by Q to see it.

Billions of dollars sent to Israel while Q says they're saving Israel for last?

Saving every last American taxpayers dollar for them.

Why do you think Trump surrounded himself with zionists?

Why do you think Trump made it illegal to say anything antisemitic?

Do you really think after all this that Trump was humanity's savior?

No, he just protected Israel like a good little puppet.

The cognitive dissonance will be difficult for most of you to see through after being brainwashed by Q.

Just remember Trump and Q had four years to deliver something, anything.

All they delivered was more money to the zionists.

Whether you know it or not, you were programmed for four years into an Israel first psyop.

🐇 meet 🎩


Trump and Q are the greatest kayfabe to ever deceive the American pop in all history.

There never was a resistance to the cabal.

For thousands of years the illuminati modus operandi is to fool the public into thinking there are two sides battling.

They have been evolving.

Same dragon different head.

There is no good and evil.

The planned insurrection, "the plan", planned decades ago.

Greatest deception in history.

No big names have been arrested as promised.

No one ever will be.

Illuminati puts all their plans in plain sight years ahead of time.

"Enough is enough" was planned years ago, and no one better to execute it for his zionist masters than old Don boy.

You did well Don, country is more divided than ever.

Trump lead all his sheep directly into the slaughterhouse and they praised him every step of the way.

If Patriots were "in control" the deep state would all be rotting in prison.

No, instead Trump is playing golf with his zionist friends while the country burns.

Gen.Flynn is grifting Q t-shirts to make ends meet.

Adm. Rogers is working directly for Israeli intelligence now and denies election fraud.

Gen Mattis is swamp.

Gen Milley is swamp.

Rudy the pedophile Giuliani lost his right to practice law.

The wall is left unfinished after wasting billions and exhausting the military.

The country is more polarized and divided than ever.

Almost as if it was always planned that way.

Patriots are not in control.

Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:27 a.m. No.14490711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0717 >>0729 >>0739



Didnt need to waste four years and reading thousands of posts for that my nigger fren. Q delivered nothing, just riddles. Riddles don't solve the country's problems. Decodes and riddles are kids games, and purely a psyop in this case to keep people busy and distracting while the NWO agenda moves forward without a hitch. All laws being passed to take away our freedoms all in the name of COVID. if the military was the "only way" forward then we're totally fucked. These self serving cowards can barely fight anxiety let alone a real war. China and Israel have already won.


Maybe 🇨🇳 and 🇮🇱 can be blended to make the new American flag.

Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:31 a.m. No.14490724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0732 >>0743



At the pace the "plan" is unfolding the stage has nowhere near been set for that. Maybe after Kamala finishes Biden term and then maybe four years after that we may see an intern get arrested.


Not enough. Its never been enough results to convince me. Once again for thousands of years the Modus Operandi of the cabal is to FOOL the public to make you think there are multiple sides, and that they are against each other. Thousands of years of evidence to prove otherwise. As all Patriots on the right are now being grouped as domestic terrorists, all because of Q. It makes far more sense with the total lack of results that this is the case


Big name arrests will change my mind, but until then logic dictates its a divisionary psyop.

Anonymous ID: b13521 Aug. 30, 2021, 3:33 a.m. No.14490731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0736



Read every Q post and Drumpf twat since 2017. Simple question, who is running the country right now? Look at all the laws being passed to dissolve freedom?


Patriots are not in control, and if they are then they are downs syndrome level retards.