Also maybe educate yourself how the internet works. It's not an easy thing to really shut down the internet as a whole.
Shutting down DNS is simple compared to that, and it will basically shut down the internet, but not on the lower levels. For the average user it will be dead and that's what matters and there is no way even for sys admins to do anything about that.
>Stupid hypotheticals
Hey retard, there is a reason why Jim is doing that. He claims that the media host would be gone or whatever, BUT IT ISNT GONE. It works just fine. Anyone that fixed DNS can see that.
>Though if the point is to do an actual shut down
Educate yourself on the internet.
Shutting down physically would mean shutting down (destroying) all routers, which is ridiculous and will not happen.
>Not just an image crippling maneuver
That's one host modified/changed.
I'm talking about DNS being gone as a whole. No for you anymore, which was my whole point, dumbass.
This here is ONE host not working via DNS.
The point of mine is either to shut down all 8kun hosts (which means no 8kun for you anymore), or shut down all hosts of the internet. This would mean internet being DARK.
>Wouldn't you use something less prone to circumvention?
Educate yourself on DNS and how it works.
ISPs won't be able to do much about it when this happens, because their DNS servers get updates from upstream and also forward requests. Send them garbage and the internet as people know it is gone for good.
What was that Q post?
Twatter down
Facebook down.
There is also the possibility of bad actors shutting down 8kun that way when shit hits the fan, because they can.
Bad actors can't easily shut down IP addresses, but they can force ISPs to modify DNS.