Why didn't Trump mention Pfizer owns the FDA earlier? He was fully invested in the vaccines for a long time - multiple billions dollars later with potential office run, he revereses course. Reminds me of Trump's BS about bringing in a special prosecutor to lock up Hillary. He is full of shit and needs to prove himself to regain any respect.
I see people getting less and less vaccines in the future - Big Pharma are satanic motherfuckers and have zero interest in helping you. I will do everything in my power to kill these fuckers profits.
Normies are retards?
Trump was elected for that first time and instead we got vaccine poisons - I would not hold my breath for cancer cures in round 2. What really annoyed my about Trump was when he did a 180 after he won the election on prosecuting the Clintons - he said in his own voice, it was all just for the election and nothing more… He is full of shit on many fronts… Q is worse.
People wearing rags on their face for corrupt Big Pharma fuckers is the ultimate statement of a civilization that is ready to collapse.
Sweet dreams - don't let the Bill Gates bite.
Pfizer products to avoid to hurt the fuckers financially… Viagra and Advil.
Positive my ass.
Pandemic my ass.